Well Cheal left and did a good job of never coming back :3
You havent missed out on much then. Only reason to get D2 is if you're a big fan or really want to see the unique moves for the main characters. I wonder what hidden characters will be in this one though~
You have a weak will little one.
Bender's always bending genders. He is Bender the gender bender afterall.
I finally get to see them :D. Looking very good there I must say.
I love the look on your dad's face. Its priceless lol.
Epic. I didnt think it could be anymore better but they really added some great looking things in this one. Im especially looking forward to the skill merge, magichange, and any new monsters they throw in this one. Oh, and switching seats with classmates of course.
Well that sucks. I guess im gonna have to store my saved files somewhere else to fit all my DLC.
He was quite surprising though. Usually people either backstab you or they're cowards. He was neither.
Quite awesome.
Agreed. And they got the Jamaican accent quite well. Gotta love the mumbling, confusing speech~
That's the first time I've heard someone say something bad about pikmin. Like ever o_o Best: Chrono Trigger Worst: Pryzm Gawd I hated those unicorns.
Dont go near the freezer tofu D:
lulz, Cheal just beat Mystery Dungeon EoT.
Mine is volt tackle. Gotta love that pikachu going full speed~
I guessed on all of them and got 150. Internet IQ tests ftl 8D!
WitchCraft anyone?
Im liking that last part ;D
That reminds me, I gotta battle Tootz on my DS.
Mel-chan not in baggy clothing? I must be imagining things D: Nice outfit though. Are you gonna start walking up tree's next? :3