OK. Well, just for your sake and others, call him up A.S.A.P and tell him to record this commercial the next time he sees it and ship it to you and then you post it on the forums! Then you won't get bashed because you were wrong, 'kay? Just for your safety and others so nobody will hate mail you. :D
Still not convinced... I'm sure others would have seen it, namine. I'm not trying to be harsh or anything...but, are you SURE with ALLLLLLLLL YOUR HEART he's right?
Yeah, same here. I didn't see it the last time I was watching TV. What station was it on? I only watch Style channel, TVG for horse-racing, and the Space channel. I rarely turn on Cartoon Network.
It looks really real - but I have to see it in real life to believe it! NEVER BELIEVE WHAT YOU SEE OR HEAR UNTIL YOU'RE ONE HUNDRED PERCENT SURE IT IS TRUE - is what I say. :D
I guess because the Keyblade is a powerful weapon and someone would get seriously hurt. The struggle bats look like their made out of soft blue cushion so no one would get hurt. :) I think you'd say the same thing if someone took a wack out of your arm with a Keyblade. Tehe. That'd hurt with a capital 'T'. *From Axel: :p *
No one is entirely sure when it is coming out - Kingdom Hearts Final Mix was not released in the US so there is a 50-50% percent chance that it will come here. I hate to admit but Japan always seems to save the good stuff on favorite games in their country. That's a weird cover...how'd they make it??
Kentucky. I live in SoCal but I had a similar experience happen to me... (This is to make you feel better, so you won't feel alone:)) Okay, it was about 10 at night and we heard this really weird knocking on our door. Our door is wood so it was loud and we live in a huge house so the sound echoed through the house. My mom thought it was me but I told her it wasn't and she asked who it was. No one answered. She kept asking but still no one answered. Me and my dad went in the rumpus room and looked out the window and down on the street (our house is 2 stories) we saw this sea-green Suzuki SUV drive up the street. It was about 12 by the time the person left and the only evidence there was was a rock tied to fishing line on our door knob. I was shaking so hard I could barely keep myself up. Yeah, so we've had similar experiences. :)
Oh, are you in the U.S.? Do you live back east? I forget which parts of America have a 4 hour time difference...
Are you all right? Where do you live? (Just the state) :o
What year was this in? When they had the Virginia campus shooting they showed that but I forgot what year that said it was in...19-something or the other. But, yeah, why go and blame music and video games? A lot of people play games but I haven't seen anyone go tramping up to the high-school because of Grand Theft Auto. My grandma's theory is that they were brain washed by someome. Has anyone noticed that they ALWAYS go to a largely populated area, i.e., malls, schools, companies, parks, etc? That's a very obvious pattern!
Even though I'm not entirely sure, I wouldn't go and blame it on the Middle East. It could have been Asians, Africans, Latin Americans, or even Americans or Europeans. Because no one lived through 9/11 in the plane with the alleged terrorists, we have no 100% proof that Iraq or Iran are the suspects. I consider myself being logical about it. I just wonder - why did they attack the Twin Towers? Like I said in my Columbine post - they always chose the MOST populated areas. Never the least.
I'm trying to figure out how to REALLY find out the names of the other unknown Nobody names...but it's confusing.
We should make some!! I'm going to.:D
Roxas - Life in the Organization* Chapter 8 HERE'S CHAPTER VIII, WHO-HO! :D "Roxas, come with me, please." Marluxia strode up to Roxas late that afternoon. "Yeah, what is it, Marluxia?" he asked, looking into his deep blue eyes. "Today, you're going to help me with my garden." he said with a pleasant smile. "Uh...gardening? You know, I'm not the best at that..." Marluxia chuckled and pushed Roxas forward. "Gardening is as simple as saying one two three once you learn how to properly do it. We'll do the simple stuff." Marluxia explained. At least I won't get beat up, Roxas thought in his head as Marluxia led him out into his garden. Roxas looked around. The garden was a wide, pretty space. There was a little circle of roses and lilies in each corner, blooming brightly to add a splash of color against the chalk white castle buildings. The grass was perfectly trimmed, not one blade stood higher than the rest. Jacaranda trees and clipped shrubs lined the outermost edges of the garden, while a multi-color maze led to the other side. "Oh, this place is beautiful." Roxas said a loud. Marluxia smiled. "Well, thank you for the compliment. My garden is my pride, as you can see." he said. "Now, let's began planting. Take these." Marluxia thrust some poppies into Roxas's arms. "I've dug the holes for you so all you need to do is plant, cover, and water. Understand?" "Um...yes, Marluxia." "Good, now hurry on." Roxas walked over to where Marluxia was pointing. He put each poppy in careful, under Marluxia's watchfull eyes. "Now, be gentle with them, love. They've been out the pot for an hour and they need to root." he said in his tactful voice. "Cover them gently and PAT, don't slap. That actually damages the roots." Roxas did as Marluxia said. He'd taken off his gloves and his hands were beginning to collect dirt as he did as Marluxia told him to do. "Now, measure this and fill it up to 1 1/3 cups of water please and water each for ten seconds." Marluxia said, giving Roxas a measuring cup and a big bottle of water. By the end of the planting session Roxas had planted, learned to clip shrubs into shapes, mowed the lawn, and learned to train trees into growing in certain ways. "Well, you've done well." Marluxia said with a satisfied look in his blue eyes - if he was satisfied. "You makin' that boy be a gardener, Marly?" Xigbar appeared out of nowhere, grinning on one side of his mouth. "Well, Xigbar," Marluxia said with a haughty sniff, "this young man is a very fine gardener if you're asking." "He's a boy. You look fine doin' it but him?" Xigbar pointed with a jerk of his thumb. "You're gonna make a sissy out of him." Marluxia flicked his hair over his shoulder. "I'm teaching him something important. If I am not able to tend to my garden he will, won't you Roxas dear?" Marluxia turned and give him a 'you better say yes' stare. 'Er....right." Xigbar snorted. "Seriously," he said before disappearing. "Seriously my foot." Marluxia growled under his breath. "Go and wash up. You don't want to get sick." Marluxia said before disappearing as well. Roxas trudged up to the bathroom. Inside, he washed off his hands and gloves and then used a hair dryer to dry them off quickly. Once his gloves were dry, he put them on and walked down the quiet hallways. Hearing voices, he peeked down the left corridor and saw Saix's figure huddled next to Vexen, who was tapping a pen on his chin thoughtfully. "Oh, Roxas!" Vexen exclaimed as Roxas stood uncertainly in the hallway. Saix whipped around without even a hello. "Are you done with your lesson?" he asked coolly. "Yes." Roxas replied, blushing. Saix muttered something to Vexen and he nodded and left with a wave to Roxas. Saix strode over to Roxas and looked at him with bright gold eyes. "How was it? I know Marluxia can be a bit proper." "It was okay, I just got dirty." Roxas replied. "Listen, dinner is going to be late, we have an important meeting to attend to." Saix said as he took Roxas's wrist. "Uh...ok." Roxas followed Saix through a corridor of darkness, and they popped up in the meeting room. "You sit there, next to Larxene." Saix pointed and Roxas looked up. He took a deep breath and suddenly, teleported right into his seat. Larxene flashed him her pearly smile before turning her attention to Xemnas, who was sitting in his chair - which was the highest of them all. Roxas knew something was up... To be continued.
I'm sure, but I thought that'd be cute. :D LOL. Yeah, they'd be like "the the **** is Sora?"
My Bird Snowflake in superspace....
I'd get a cat, but Ozzie is not fond of cats and my birds = bad combination.
I have it on my scalp, too. My head itches and it comes off in flakes like dandruff and because my hair is so thick I have a hard time getting at it.
Animal and fantasy for me. But the animals have to be realistic and the fantasy not to same as the other one.
I'm allergic to certain lotions and I'll get a rash. It's terrible. They get all itchy and irritating and if I scratch at them they get even worse.