OMG...I'm never really like this about guys but he's cute with a capital C. XD Spare me! I'm becoming a crazy boy hunter! XDXDXDXDXDXDX
And what's their purpose? Emos and punks look the same but I'm sure there is some difference between them and bros are just weird and goths scare the freak out of me! The deal with that? XD
What can you do on it? I'd like to try it.
Yeah, that's a better way to explain. You left out the part for the drinking they have to much whiskey. *coughs*.
My family is mainly Christian (except Grandpa and my emo cousin Jade), so we don't really celebrate anything. We do celebrate a little of Jesus's birthday but we're not all out about it like putting up a sign and advertising it. I personally don't like Halloween because in my beliefs, it is Devilism. It's some Irish holiday about little lepracons and some guy named St. Patricks...hell, I don't know either. It's just a fib to me.
I hate Halloween, just a few days before Halloween everybody gets all weird. I never liked Halloween and I thought it's creepy because people kind of haunt our neighborhood afterwards because we live in these big, expensive houses and Christmas is even worse. It's like Disneyland over here! Personally I'm not a holiday person, my family really doesn't celebrate holidays (well, except my emo cousin and my Cajun-loving grandfather).
I'm going to go to horse-shows, play with my birds, try and stay cool here in SoCal, travel to Europe with my mom and grandma, have fun with my dog, ride at the stables and win ribbons, write stories, and that's about it. I'll mostly be at home or in Europe but it depends...I know I'll get lots of ice cream because it's going to be over 100 degrees here. The only bummer of summer (rhymes).
I didn't like Aerith either...she sounded like she had a sore throat or something, and I thought Xemnas's voice didn't sound like what you'd think he'd sounded like. Those were some odd choices. But overall, everyone sounded OK. I know some people find Jesse McCartney annoying because he played Roxas but big deal, they act like he was actually Roxas in some movie. I'm not a fan of Jesse but I don't hate him either.
Here's the nineth chapter. Enjoy. :) "All right," Xemnas's clear, deep voice bounced off the high ceiling of the room, making him sound imposing. Roxas stared at him. He wondered what was up - probably something important, but, then he changed him when he saw Demyx and Axel eatting Chinese take-out while attentively looking at Xemnas. "Psst," he heard something and turned to look. On his left was Xigbar; he was talking out the side of his mouth. "Act like your listenin', kiddo." he said before Xemnas began talking. Roxas nodded and watched hungrily as Axel used his chopsticks to shove some noodles down his throat, Demyx, however, was putting wasabi on his sushi (which was obviously the Japanese part of his food) and shoving it into his mouth. Maybe they'd save some for him...he hoped. He was praticulary starving to death. "Today our topic is....blah...blah...." Roxas heard. He was so busy thinking about pizza, chicken wings, sandwiches, sodas, and other delicious foods that he didn't hear Xemnas call his name. "RO-XAS!" He yelled, making Roxas slip forward. Thankfully, Larxene's quick movements caught him before he fell face forward onto the hard floor. Giving her a thankful smile, he glanced over at Xemnas, slightly ruffled. ", Xemnas?" "Can you please pay attention? Now, Roxas, you are going to go through rigorous training. If you DO NOT meet Organization XIII standards..." his red eyes wavered on Saix, who pulled out a piece of paper and read off: 1). You will be worked until you meet standards. 2). You will be thrown out of the Organization. 3). Death will be penalty. 4). You will cease to exist, which is not the same as death. Roxas gulped. Ceasing to exist, or dieing, was the worst. "I heard you have no weapon." Axel said through his orange chicken, swallowing loudly. "Y-yeah...." Roxas felt embarrassed. But, then suddenly, why WAS he embarrassed. He wasn't suppossed to be embarrassed, was he? Suddenly, his mind went totally blank; the sounds of his fellow members' talking was muffled, like he had something over his ears. Then, a sharp, quick pain shot through his head. His eyes crossed, he heard Axel's voice and the smelt Larxene's floral perfume warp around him....then blackness. In a sea of black, Roxas floated like a toy on a pool. He felt like and airy and without a sense of dread. His eyes started at nothing but black - black, black, black, black, black. But then, a speck of light drew up in front of him. An object in the shape of a key appeared in front of him, landed in his palm softly and then, with a shock and a stream of golden light, rivuted up his body. "ROXAS!" Axel's voice bit into Roxas's dream like a dog bite. He looked up into his face, saw his concerned emerald orbs. "You scared the heck out of me!" he said, running his long fingers through his thick red hair. "" Roxas stammered. "Within in the Organization," Axel said. "Oh, right. What happened? Why'd I faint?" he asked Axel. Axel shrugged. "Beats me, you were out for about three hours." "REALLY?" Roxas sat up, but he gasped in pain and lay back against his soft, warm bed. "Larxene dropped you by mistake. "Oh, oops." "Yeah, double OOPS." "Listen, I've gotta go, I'll be back with dinner for you. Just rest, 'kay, Rox?" "Sure, tell everyone I'm feeling a little better." He said, yawning. "I'll give Saix a punch for ya," "Thanks, that'd be nice." He smiled at Axel's brotherly hair ruffle before falling into a deep, dark sleep, unaware of his dreams... To be continued.
You know what their problem is? THEY DON'T HAVE ANY BETTER EXCUSE EXCEPT.... THEMSELVES.
Make sure he has two - one in the shape of your fist and the other you foot. :)
Unless the made it for mobile phones I think they could. Why thank you. Give him a horsey-kick, too. :D
Yeah, I think about 100+ other members on the forum would have seen it about now if it was nation-wide, because they don't distrubute commercials for one-area only.
Fake commercials are SO easy to make with technology these days. I'm sure I could make a commercial and put "KINGDOM HEARTS III, KEYBLADE WARS. AVAILABLE 2008" and post it on the forum and it look totally real. I'm not against you, namine, I'm against the person who told you.
I think he was trying to get poor namine of kh2's hopes up.
My doubts are much greater than yours, Kiryu. I wouldn't believe anyone if I hadn't seen it and I still wouldn't have believed it if I saw it.
How can we? He's like a thousand miles away from me! I'm in SoCal!
The people who put out the games are weird. They should just go ahead and tell us the date so we won't try and figure out ourselves. I'm tempted to do Astrology to find out. *sticks out tongue*
I'm sure if they don't release it here all KH fans will begin to send Nomura thousands of "HOW COME, NOMURA-SAN?!" Letters. Poor Nomu! Gomenasai!;)