Chemicals released from your brain as you die. That's all I gotta say. Not the only thing in question though.
You could only know if you go there. For that you must die. Those who die can never come back. Thus, if you die and you're right, well, sucks to be you, you can't prove anyone wrong. Wrong. He said he was something else. So He's not Atheist anymore. e_e I think. It started with an R, right? I should find that chatlog e_e Also, burn, you're being and arrogant bish all over again with favorites and all that stupid crap about who is better. Can't forget to slip in ignorance there, if you remember the convo about Sai. Not to mention leaving when you don't get what I really ment, then ignoring me when I try to explain. F*** this is pissing me off. And yet, you remain oblivious. Thanks, really I mean it. I didn't think I could possibly have this much hatred for a person, yet still talk to them. I've found my breaking points, so yea, that's great and all.
987 706~~~~~~!
****, burnitup, as oblivious as ever. I WONDER why two members just suddenly got pissed and left?
.......... I f***ing give up. See you guys tomorrow, MAYBE. :sideways:
987 704
I try to be serious and this is what I get -__-
Ex: I could explain, but I think the front pages explains better than me I'm so pro at this
Ex Hmm... play the Free Rice 'game' It's addicting. =_= Burny-boy: I'll take that as a no then.
Did not. We are just super awesomely fast like that. 987 701
I suppose you haven't read my post, have you? I think that's more of a bragging thing. It's alright Ah, I see. Higher is everywhere >_> <_<
How many people sent you rep? O_o cause I'm pretty sure mine isn't worth that many points. (each person, depending on how much rep they have, usually give a different number of rep points, like someone with only 10 rep points may only give 1 for every time they rep someone. The number may also be based off how long they have been a member of this site, but I'm not sure.)
Reputation, people can give you it on posts. It can be either good or bad rep depending on what they think. If you go to the user CP you can see up to the newest 5 reps you got recently. To give it, go to a post of the person you want to rep, click the little balance scale, click approve if you want to give good rep, or disapprove if you want to give bad. You can also put a little message. Also, unless you put in the message who it's from, the person who got it can't tell who sent it. Though that isn't any reason why you should give bad rep to random people, so yea, just remember that >_<
lol, wut? O_o
We so did NOT cheat. 987668
Oh shoot, you're new to the fam, I forgot to rep you! Sorry. >_<
The pink plastic ones? I'll stick with Dex, SN, H, B, MB, DJ and anime e_e It's enough to watch as is.
=O ZOMFG. yay. 8D 987 666 *le gasp!*
ROFL ...what? Apples and oranges, what next? Flamingos? Never seen it before >_< I am some non-sensical word.
Yar har fiddle dee dee If you love to sail the sea: YOU ARE A PIRATE~! Lazy Town is love~ 987 664