OOC:i gotta go now c ya later
a great team maybe but its to late i wasn't even planning on destroying you only stopping you but you leave me no choice*she throws more fans at his other arm hoping to injure that to*i will keep injuring untill you can't even move then we shall see how XANA's unlimited power works
so what you won't escape!because of this*hits him on his injured arm*now let me go
*she throws some fans at the arrows deflecting them towards Zeke*so you want to try that again you weakling if you had unimited power why don't you just finish me off*she started walking towards him to try and stop him downloading the data*
if XANA could give me more power how come we always defeat him?
can i have larxene please?
*she franticly trys to block and dodge the arrows but still lots were hitting her*you won't win well at least not while i'm here to try to stop you*she throws more fans at him trying to stop the rapid arrows*
OOC:ok thanks that is all i needed to know BIC:throws her fans towards Zeke
OOC:so let me get this straight i'm fighting a guy called Zeke right?
OOC:who me?
OOC:hey everyone what have i missed?
i'm a goofy goober!and so are organization 13!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRF2_uIaALs watch it it is a great song
oh hi my name is ashley what do you want to be called?and here have some cookies*gives cookes*
i already checked it out it looks kinda like this site*comes out and takes the cookies*by the way this is a funny animation that i found http://www.weebl.jolt.co.uk/bobs%20week%20in%20france.htm
oh yeah hi sorry i forgot to say hi*hides under sofa* and i don't have a clue who kh-r are all i know is that i received that pm
hey everyone i just received this weird pm asking me to join some site about kh so what do you think i should do ignore it or just check out the stupid site and see what its all about
ok roxy we won't call you roxy as long as that is what you want roxy
insane OR just hungry look i'll prove i can't get to food*she jumps as high as she can unable to reach anything much*see all i want is just some stupid food thats all i'm not insane
ok now i'm hungry*looks around* rats nothing to eat*he walks out to the map and notices there is a kitchen through a wall*must be a secret passage*he walks over to the wall and pushes on it as it opened revealing the kitchen*now for my cheese sandwich
cruel yes but all the cupboards are to high i can't reach any food so you are the only things in reach my poor little kitten stomach is saying it wants food now either somebody moves the food lower please*makes the cutest face she could*pwetty please