*crickets*.....it is quite too quite.
But you can choose to give into the violence or you can stand above it.
Violence creates more violence.....the vicious circle if you will.
I couldn't have phrased it better myself.
That is why you should make your own pesona about life. Who cares what others want you to be or what society demise normal. *not argueing aganist, but agreeing with you statement. cause unforutnately it is very ture*
Now if only I can be lead anchor? I must plot my way into the CNN lead anchor chair.
Okay good cause I only saw Anderson Cooper and I was beginning to worry.
But where is Wolf Blizter?
Man, if I wanted to see this much depressing issuses I be watching CNN.
I don't know, I just wanted to join the mad club 8P
I'm mad at my tailor.
That is a good thing I have a lot of upper body strenght.
After I eat and watch tv, I have to go rock climbing @___@ Instanity........but it will give me a chance to show my mad Le Parkour skillz
To be honest that sounds better than my plans xD. You should be a politics.
What are the plans for the people today?
Oh right! HAPPY THANKSGIVING to the people that celebrate it today!
My insanity noes no bounds. Like the Grand Canyon.
And now my plan is complete.....totally insanity of all the members that come here. Muwahahahah
I know it sounded weird.... I am Kiryu after all, you should have been worried if it sounded remotely sane.
Cause I'll be the hottest selling thing in Japan ever.