.... No .
lolk .
MmMM..... I love em. In fact, I am eating some right now.
No, I mean add a nice text that matches with it. Like you see in some posters, where they have an effects behind the text. If you would like an example, I guess you can pm me.
Well, this is a nice edit, for the most part. It's very basic, but you did what most people who attempt this kind of peice fail at, which is: Making the effects seems as if they were on a surface, and not floating. But, the splatter at the bottom kills this, because it disrups what I said earlier. Maybe if you added text o that, it would make more sense and draw everything together. The coloring is questionable, though.
Are you sure? Looks way out of your leauge, just like this whole album. And you also ripped the second one you had, too.
You ripped your current signature( top vector one) as far as I can see. But, these sigs are alright..... I'd rate most of them High nov. Your tags need depth for the most part, as far as I can see. And no, I'm not gonna give actual cnc to all of these. And if a mod has a problem with this post, delete it.
www.gimptalk.com Tons of tutorials. Click on help forum, and go to user submitted tutorials. If you need GRAPHICS related help, pm me.
It's what the stock was, damn. @Eclipse: Thanks, will do, and welome back ;).
Don't come to this section if you do't know how to cnc.
Stop being a ******.
Thanks, It's awesome...
Everything in the tag is fg effects, save the far right. @Split: Nope, PSCS2.
Cody .
are you sure?
That's what I did. It seemed to work.
Do whatever makes you happy. Do whatever makes you randy. Do the dew.
So yeah. That's the story of how I reached manhood.
No, you were always like "okay guys, stop flaming, cause you will make a flamewar" when no one was even flaming. And I was like "wtf?" lol?
Yeah, the person who ran around screaming at the top of their lungs "FLAME WAR ZOMG"