Follow the rules or I will blow you....... away.
My dog has 5 nip's.
wtf is a grammer hammur.
Nope. But I live near DS :3
I love how you make all of your sigs so... polished looking.... and clean, yet, it's cluttered and messy. But, it's in a good way. I say add some cooling filters to this.
Dude, I get that you are gay, and I accept that. But I don't see why you have to shout it out to the heavans. ****...
Any more before I get started?
....... :/ EDIT: I got three de reps for that post rofl.
Play KH:FM :::DDD
Thanks for the de rep.
Your welcome.
i no, rite?
Seeing this has made me realize how much I have grown as a member..... This person is dead to me. F U ******BAG
I don't see how CTR is the best member..... There are are far better =/
The render doesn't really go.... maybe if it was vectored, or maybe slightly crystalized. And, maybe use a more..... natural, flowing font..... Look up luner(or is is lunar..?) bar on dafont.com. Good font in many occasions. You have flow, and the effects give off a sense of unity, in my opinion. Also, you may want to tone down the light, and move it to the right a smidge. This could also use some well placed solid lines. A few filters couldn't hurt, as well as a few places sharpened a little bit. Maybe, you could get a splatter brush and brush in a few places in a color of your choice, or maybe black or white(Just make it flow!). You could also add the render and lower opacity to make it brighter, as well as add a few photofilters or gradient maps. Good job on it, in any case.
I will rep you for being awesome.
We talkin' 'bout flea market.
The far bottom right doesn't really fit in with the rest, so I say cut that out, and you'll have a pretty nice sig.
Not really.