@DPWolf; We are just creating our own sort of imagination about it. I know Squeenix would only make a KH-MMORPG if they where really bored and if Nomura would let them do it. Its nothing serious, just ideas. And I thingk the map should be working like warp holes... They have them in Kitsu Saga. You jut run into it en select the world you want to go to. @Umiyuri Papeayra; I really like your character costumize thing. It's realy awesome.
Well, what you do is what you get hah? Sorry I wasn't on last night, my internet broke down...
Ah, they do? I feel sorry for him...
Me too. I own volume one, in Dutch, but I'm reading it on MangaFox. They are really slow at the moment though...
Ah, I know, mine do only last 45 min, but its an hour wit al those breaks between them..
You can also try shotlock before he attacks. It will not lower his HP much, but it is something. And he'll eventually slow down to catch his breath (he's an old man after all), so try attacking him when he does...
Ah, I have two different lessons, but one takes 3 hours ans the other takes 2 hours. So I'll be busy for a while.
Me too, and feeling bored at school...
Ah, I'm bullying my brother to try it again, XP. But yeah, next time I'll make pics...
How are you doing?
I know how you feel, I dont have Twitter either....
Ah, its 10 in the morning, hehe...
I'll pray for you tummer. And keep faith, becuase you'll surely keep going if you do.
I'm away for a while, have to look at a movie...for school
Lets hope those medicens work...
Hi there! Welcome! And I hope you enjoy it here....
Ah, okay, do you have to stay there for a long time?
Well, it would be lame if everyone made their own Sora or Riku. And what about a test in the beginning to see if youcan wield a keyblade. You can screw that up and end up with a sword, staff or shield. That would make it more interesting. And with the sword/staff/shield you can assist a keyblade wielder. Then it would be interesting...
Hey there, your still on? How are you doing?
Ah, you think so?