I'm Fine, thanks. i bet i could make a good Tifa Sig.
Hey what's up My fine fisted friend?
College huh?
You're on 24/7 huh? i attack with my Dragon Icebreather! Use Broken Shards!
Summer Vacation.
now its 11! yay....
its 10 Pm where i live XD
So how are you?
a big question hmmm....The internet is a Online Computer add-on for a Personal Computer Made by Bill Gates and Microsoft,designed to link every computer in the world together,(thus we have hackers) and made for Human enjoyment in the mind. It gives a faster way of communication which costs a usual price of 30-99 dollars a month for extended access.
on the race, I lost first try, but after i played a little while i finally learned a faster way.
okay... ill try it. thanks DPWolf.
Besides, Your a really nice person!
It's no problem ^.^ I enjoy making Final Fantasy XIII Signatures, and you fit the description.
I'm waiting to see if a friend will say they like the signature i made them.
Hello Mr. i-succumbed-to-the-power-of-albus-dumbledore. how are you?
Excuse me but what do i do with the tutorials? they're like, an inch tall.
Hey what's up?
Likes Phoenix Wright
.....avada kedavra!