is still trying to get my cookies.
He's got a grudge against everybody, especially ZRW and Jaden.
RvR what are all these MSNbotspiders for? what do they do?
Has the wind jar in their sig, and is desperatly trying (and failing) to sucks up my cookies.
I'm afraid he'll hack us. It's caused alot of trouble between the senior members and veterans.
hacked by the looks of it. she will probably put an ip ban on his PC, and then change ZRW's pass and send it to her. the ip ban will keep him frm...
make your move white.
NO! THEY'RE MY COOKIES! YOU CAN'T HAVE THEM!!! NOT EVEN BY YOUR WIND THINGY! *forgot what it's called seeing as i played MC at 11 years old*
I WIN! yay what's my prize?
It's her Ex, who called her a whore, and thinks it's illegal for jaden to date her.
Maybe he responded to The fake ZRW?
hey how did DBZ man get banned?
for helping me out with the signatures, heres a okami one [IMG]...
Once i hit 300 posts my name turns into Hope Estheim...if nobody takes it before then. XD
/Yeah more members!
Thanks, same to you.
yesterday SUCKED for me. I ot grounded cus i snapped at my mom for hititng me with a catchers glove, then got grounded of Video Games for...
who was he mean too? i don't blame him, my friend has the EXACT same disease....
he left because he "did" something. do you know?
i gtg real soon.