I know....it generally gets the point across.
Yes, but beurocrates actually aren't even a political party....so it is more screwed up then a polizie victim performing brain surgery with a pipe wrench. Oh, and All political parties are flawed majorly as of late. I don't believe I have heard of that....and I live in North Carolina.
Democrate is a political party in the government. Beurocrate is wealthy man who infuences the government and belittle the common people.
That is why I choose not to be a loser. Even IF that is the outcome I'll fight to make sure I don't become another beurocrate and be lead. I'll like to make my own leads in life.
It is a figure of speech. Like....."Life isn't cut and dry".
I rather them try to disprove everything they be satisfied with one answer.....cause if that was the case then life would be too boring. But then again I don't normally listen to the masses as they would say, I like to find the answers on m own.
Take it with a grain of salt. An idividualality is something that takes time to figure out....and most of the time you never do, but science isn't trying to prove anything or anyone wrong....just trying to find answers to satisfy the thrist for knowledge. Now does that mean they're a 100% right...oh course not. Scientist are only human after all....that is why people will for ever believe in what some would call the "supernatural" "intersterial" or the just plan bizzare.
So you want to be blinded by what don't know is real? You should only take this with a grain of salt.
Sorry my powers of articulation have faultered your thought proccess.
Facts can be proven or disproven. It is up to one's self to find the answer for themselves. Be the wolf not the sheep in essence.
So is this going to be another debate?
Peac man, been fun talking. As long as people seek knowledge there will always people who will ask questions.
Yeah, now everyone is asking what I want to for my b-day and christmas.
xD, I get to repeat this prossess in less than a few months.
Ahhh, good times at the family get togethers.
Then I drift off into my own head and have crazy thing to say when I get back out.
Then I'm like do you remember that I time I stopped caring in the middle of your sen..........*drifts off*
xD, I hate that...but they seem to know everything about you.
Have lots of family over?
If the demand is high enough. I don't see why not......but the original game isn't even out yet, so everyone will have to wait and see.