Hmm..... In your recent sigs, you have been overloading them with different styles. That's not really bad, but I would try and spend a little more time on these types of sigs, trying to figure out what would look the best, by saving what you have as a psd, then chaging things postioning, color, size, shape, as well as taking things away. Then, I would compare the two tags. Anyways, on to the cnc. The checkerboard and splatter isn't doing so well here. Maybe if you made the red more of a maroon color, and adding clipping masks at a low opacity may make it look like it actually belongs in the tag, then blur teh white splatter. The lighting is coming from the wrong direction, and it's basically just a brush stroke. Not uch going on with it. try moving it under the stock, kind of near the text. Just make sure you add some lighting to the text, so it seems to be blendid into the tag a little better. Also, some new brushes never hurt ;). Maybe it would help you out if you looked at a few tutorials for maybe one or two sigs.
Look up some sprite tutorials before another attempt. I say displace it, and run a few wave filters, and re color.Add a light scource close to the sprite.
Posted months ago, by John S.
This thread makes me want to shoot myself, repeatedly.
Hey there Silver ^.^! I'm glad that you had a good time, and i'm sorry that that stuff happened to you. And the sunburn sounds pretty odd.... o.O Well, anyways, it's glad to have you back :).
^Is a perv.
Like mah gramma.
amomse? wtf is that even supposed to be short for?
OMG I MET JEZZUZ!!!!!111oneone
Wel, i'm bored, and I have nuttin else to do. gimmie a pic, and i'll get started.
..... :/ Dude, there are alot of things wrong with this....... The text is obnoxious, and not much has been done to it..... So, yeah.
Hm.... The stock is oversharped, and it's pretty bright, but that's not a bad thing. It's kinda weird how you hasve those random splatter spots, cause they don't match the sig at all. They seem abit too close, as well. The text needs to be a more yellowish color, IMO. Also, you have all this lighting, but it's not doing anything. Dodge parts of the tag, as well as lightly brush parts, and burn parts not affected too.The tag, overalll, really doesn't flow. also, I don't really get it. :/ Anyways, just touch it upa little and it'll be 10x better.
That's awesome. 100000000/99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999.1
as a shemale
Xigbar, you're talking out of your Ass..... This is totally new, and you need to look before you post.
If I had the money, I'd go sta-..... I mean rap-... "Visit" Raito. >_> <_< ^_^
You know, you shouldn't post that ****. If you don't like it, report it to a mod. Cause, no one really cares....
It's a sprite, what do you expect lol :/