Yes, they were. It was sad though, I would like a Baloo summon. (Did I say the bears name wrong?)
Ah, okay, it sounds as a feel good movie.... Arg, my foot is sleeping....
Like, half of those films aren't Disney.... I mean, Gibli does not work for Disney. And its about Disney worlds...But Aristocats would work out...Bolt is like extremely cute and unfotunately they did try Jungle Book once. They got problems with the license becuase the guy who made it died, so it didn't work out.
Ah, okay, what was the movie about?
Hey there! your new right? I want to welcome you, XP
Wait, it does also restore your focus? Then I have to use it some more...
Back again, and you are back again, YAY...
Still Alive-Portal, Goodnight Travel Well-the Killers, When the storm ends-Snow Patrol, This is war-30 Seconds To Mars. Once I come up with more, I'll tell ya...
hey there!
okay, what movie, oh yeah, I have to listen to the teacher BRB
I'm fine, heard you recovered... Enjoying your time at home?
Hey there! how are you doing?
Well, it would change the feeling, but ruining it is a big word. And they would only do something like that after Nomy gives permission. (that's never going to happen...)
Wah, it's so cute!
I don't know how to do that....T.T I'll try okay..
Okay, bye!
Ah, not that I know... Could be but I can't remember...>3<
Hey there!
Hello fellow dutchmen!
Awesome, and ow, is your profile picture Yui from K-on?