Uh..... Your coloring is.... very "off" to say the least. It's flat, and makes everything look... should I say "lower quality"? This isn't at all what the tag needed. It needed lighting, depth, and blending.
That's my dream job. :D
Do you work at blockbuster?????
InyuKH2Sammy: Rep? (stock was kinda hard to work with)
If you keep at graphics, you may very well become pro, way sooner than lot's of people. Cause, for a month of gfx, this is really good. Well, try sharpening up your tags, and I say experiment with clipping masks. If you need help on making clipping masks, pm me. And read up on some tutorials that deal with lighting, coloring, and depth.
..... At first I thought your style was cool. Now, it's just..... :/ Try expanding your gfx knowledge by attempting some other styles.
Bow Chica wah wah
turkey banana.
Okay, go to www.dafont.com and search there. They've got tons. To add a border to text,go to the layers pallete and right click the text layer. Go down to alpha to selection, and make a new layer. go to Edit>stroke> and pick the settings, then stroke. You should have gotten a pretty border around your text :).
Pretty good, but everything seems a little too scrunched in there. Also, I say brush with a splatter brush and blurr to add some sort of depth.
Dude, put your pants back on. No one hates the south.
I followed that tutorial many many months ago.... I suggest stocking up on brushes, and trying it again. Then, you can move on to another, higher level tutorial. Repeat that process untill you can make sigs on your own. That'll take like.... a month maybe.
I am pathetic but...... I can't beat the damn Stealth sneak. Any tips?
^ needs to get a job
Yeah, it's pretty girly. Good and simple, though. I can't really cnc this lol.
If this is a real vector (pentool), then damn..... Good job.
oh yeh me 2
IT'S OVER 9000! rly.
puttting image tags around a music link does nothing.