Utada Hikaru is live!!!!!! http://www.ustream.tv/channel/wl1 Its loading.....but stilll!!!!!
Hey, how are you doing?
Ah, and It's still not finished, Mehhhh, Anyway, I'm drawning a lot, so sometimes I forget what I'm working on...
Oh, well still, It sounds cool, ^^
Anyway, I have to go, school's over, see you later!
Not yet, my sis hasn't played trough Terra yet...
Ah, okay, my sis, my little brother and me all played with different chara's. My keyblader of choice was ofcourse the shota...
He finished critical with Aqua within 3 days -_-
Ah, then I will not tell you abou my little brother...
YAY, and how are you doing now?
Ah, its really good! An so short, XP. Anyway, see you later...
Yesh please ^^, I would like to hear it...
Ah, okay, I would like to see them, do you have them?
No, just Darkness. I've tried some Heartless (Darkside really isn't easy) and the only one that worked out was a Shadow... But he ended up cute...
Yesh ^^. It looks so awesome! I tried to draw it once....
Ah, there's not really a link to it, but I mean something like Riku's Dark Firaga..., do you know how that looks?
Maybe he heard about it all from Mickey and thought every keybearer was bad... Mickey is nice enough to let everybody know about it...
Ah, I think a darkish blue with white....Or maybe black, but that would be too black... Otherwise you can look at the KH Darkness, I always found...
Ah really? I wasn't as proud of it as I should be... Its because the inspiration source was wicked, I think....
Ah,. okay, nice! And how are you doing?