Tomorrow will be my seventeenth birthday ^.^
He threatened to put one in your mouth right?
*cracks knuckles* can i help? or should I stay out of this? I also understand you had a RP fight with Accio shortly before he left?Old comments...
I'm fine. just messing with a friend and lazing around.
Myuki is provoking your Ex. let's just hope this doesn't turn into a ZRW.
ooooh provoking Nas that's NOT a good thing.. he's really really pissed too. but Tifa will love you for it.
*barabarians wave back beforei shove them into the time corridor*....those guys took forever to get here too. i had to give them all my meat. and...
*turns to barbarians behind me* aww sorry guys, its off. *barabarians go awwwww)
What did danny865 do?
*steps back and pulls out sniper* would you like me to cut him down? and Nas are breaking up D:
What do you mean not good stuff?
Hey what's up my friend?
Hey what's up?
very nice signature.
just follow my instructions. they aren't complicated. Okay. Go to photobucket and search: Tifa Signatures. once you find the one i gave you, look...
are you doing [/sigpic]? because that wont work.
No problem.
thanks, bu the signature malfunctioned. it got smaller. go to photobucket and i would search Tifa signatures, and gt the BBcode and insert THAT...
I dunno. i just feel down.