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  1. Patman
    This must be frustrating indeed. As a foreigner, living in a country where socialists currently hold the power, watching republicans describe Obama as a communist and yell about soviet Russia was pure comedy gold (hell, most republicans are comedy gold period to me these days).

    However the parties politicians officially belong to are just broadly brushed labels, it' s all marketing nowadays. What truly matters is which ideas the politicians have the bollocks to actually enforce once they' re in charge. It seems to me that the mindless rejection of any idea that happens to emerge in a party that isn' t yours, a behavior that seems especially prominent in the US, is a bigger brake to change than the lack of political parties diversity.
    Post by: Patman, Nov 30, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Patman
    I often wonder if God believes in the "death of the author" theory.
    Post by: Patman, Nov 29, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Patman


    The rabbit hole has no end.
    Post by: Patman, Nov 29, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Patman
    Nope. Is it ?

    Anybody find it odd that, so far, everyone here is a lefty libertarian ?
    Post by: Patman, Nov 29, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Patman

    But then there are a couple or more questions I would rather have skipped. I hate being forced to pull an answer out of my ass.
    Post by: Patman, Nov 29, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Patman
    Post by: Patman, Nov 29, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Patman


    It' s mating with her that (most probably) wouldn' t be okay. But then the chances for that to happen are rather slim, aren' t they ?
    Post by: Patman, Nov 28, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Patman
    I can speak my mind in songs too.

    Post by: Patman, Nov 28, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Patman
    I fart in the general direction of this thread. Beware, we have planes.

    Post by: Patman, Nov 28, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Patman
    And he never sleeps. And he shows us things.

    Post by: Patman, Nov 27, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Patman


    How old are you ? The idea is to insinuate you figured out he' s in love with you, in public, and then keep calling him "darling" "muffin" and whatnot with a sarcastic tone.
    Post by: Patman, Nov 26, 2012 in forum: Help with Life
  12. Patman


    Did it ever cross your mind your blatantly obvious insecurity might be the reason he started teasing you ?
    It' s no fun waving a red flag at a neurasthenic bull.

    "Y' a que la vérité qui blesse."
    It means only the truth hurts. Start a fight over this and everyone will assume the rumor was actually true.
    Here' s a suggestion, not sure it' s a brilliant one but it can' t be worse than fighting : reverse the teasing, tell him something like "No come on, seriously, what' s up with all the teasing ? I noticed the way you look at me when you think no one' s paying attention, I' m not blind. Is there something I should know ? Any closet you carry around ?"
    If he keeps it up just "sure darling" him.
    Post by: Patman, Nov 26, 2012 in forum: Help with Life
  13. Patman
    I worked as a cashier in my previous job. When customers tried to pull that kind of move I always called them on it. I suspect they complained behind my back, because although it' s not the reason I was officially fired for I' m pretty sure it' s the officious one. My boss heavily implied it.
    Post by: Patman, Nov 25, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Patman
    That would explain why you seemed to understand a bit of French. Are you fluent in French ? Flemish ? Both ? Just curious.

    I didn' t understand why that e-mail would upset you that much, it looked more clumsy than insulting to me. I thought I was missing something so I googled it, turns out that e-mail was also sent to a bunch of American investors.

    It is indeed a marketing technique :

    Technically it is legal, at least in the US and in France (not sure about Belgium), although each country has its own laws about it. Coke is perfectly allowed to give Pepsi flack in their commercials as long as everything they say is objectively true. In practice, that technique is so rarely used in my country that I can' t even think of an example. Choosing to put the spotlight on your opponents' weaknesses rather than your own strengths reflects poorly on your character, no matter how superior it established your own product to be. It' s a double-edged sword, use at your own risk. Politicians use it all the time, especially in the US, which makes it clear they wasted precious time and resources digging shit. What it really says is "look at how insecure I am".

    If you ask me those e-mails reflect more poorly on Marc Rudolf than on Belgium. If my country was the one being criticized I' d try to take it with a grain of humor. Remember all the flack G.W. Bush gave to France when we refused to blindly bend over ?

    Post by: Patman, Nov 25, 2012 in forum: Discussion