Kk :D
Hey, I'm here :D
Hey, any progress on voice acting? :D
Neither really thrilled me to be honest lol. Little Jackson was better then young Elvis, and old Elvis was better old Micheal Jackson XD I will...
Yup, they don't provide the letter grades. And we skip E but keep F. A is the highest (first letter, first place I guess) B still very good...
lol My thoughts exactly XD Anything lower then a 70% is a failure in the school's eyes XD I am quite happy with a 70, but I guess its not up to me...
I can type, but no audio lol. I have a camera and a keyboard.
Okay. I don't have my mic at the moment though.
adamboy77. Sure, why?
Hey, how are you? :D Oh, and to answer your question yes I do have Skype.
Yup, from second grade to eighth grade Spanish is mandatory. Once you reach your first year of high school its all up to you XD The absolute...
*falls from the sky* AAAAHHHHH!!!!!! *hits ground with a running start* *Zips off* *Circumnavigates the globe and stops right in front of you*...
lol I was just wondering. Very rarely do I think in anything other than English seeing as how that's the only thing I am completely fluent in lol....
lol Fair enough XD I do have one last question however. What language do you think in? Okay, I lied XD I have one more. How are you my friend? :D
My favorite is eather this pic of the moon: [spoiler] or this one where it looks like the sun is sitting in the tree :D [spoiler] The last one...
Which one do you like the best? :D And yea. Every year after thre fourth of July the town goes out and stocks up on fireworks lol. They are...
lol Sorry, I don't know Swedish XD Google was my best option XD You got the message right? XD "Very nice! :D I'm the first comment! Good music...
Thats great news man :D
Very nice battle, seemed like a good match :D I myself have yet to try my hand at using codes on the PSP though. That's something I want to look into :D Anywho, great vid, keep up the good work!
Open your eyes.