Alliance or hord? My sister likes hord better than alliance XD She has everybody 85. She just spam levels everybody and spends all day raiding and...
LOL I see. What level you at that *ehem* YOU ARE NOT PREPARED!!! ?
Uno mas then me :D lol
Nope, not a clue XD Lack of tank? Bad healer? Need better gear? I give up lol.
So, how many cons have you gone to? :D I know Sora's apprentice has gone to several comic cons, he is going to another in a few weeks I think XD
Yup. I played a bit. My last character was around the time of the Death Night expansion. But then my sister jacked the account XD I have not...
Oh yea, who called it? XD I call shot gun in advance XD Ya know, should all my dreams come true XD
lol Its true XD You just have to see it from an optimist point of view XD
YES!!! Or you can con nap me. Maybe by the time I am 18 you will be able to drive and road trip to me and back and back? XD And then back again?...
lol When we meet up in person (bound to happen some day XD When I turn 16 I will start saving up till 18, move out and just go traveling to all my...
(Damn, I was hoping for something like New York, or anywhere remotely within hitch hiking distance XD) I have never been to an anime con sadly....
OMG BANANAS!!!! That's awesome! :D take me with you.... please.... Where is it being held? :D Anywhere near me? lol
lol Yes, i know, you prefer berries and such. Otherwise I would offer you a bite XD Its bigger than the size of my head XD Hallow though lol....
Umm... Umm..... (I am going to tell you the same thing I told Rienzel XD) Ending world hunger one chocolate craving at a time! :D lol I am good...
lol For... umm.... Helping end world hunger one chocolate craving at a time? XD
That's alright, twas for a noble cause XD
lol It's alright, it was for a noble cause lol. How are you?
[SPOILER] Happy Easter to all those mutilated bunnies out there :3