Oh, and I see you liked my boob post :3 I just saw it so fitting XD
Oh yes, internet my internet <3 The teacher of my tech, the breaker of my jail, the hacking of my life. Oh internet my internet, how I love thee...
so like two months. M'kay lol. Then we can dive a bit deeper into tech stuff lol. Speaking of, any progress on your game? (PM if you wish)
lol kay. I await the day XD How long do you estimate till you get your own comp?
may I fill it with rocks? Re read my last post. Third sentence XD But, I guess we can bend the rules if we both do it XD Nothing sharp like...
But see, here is the thing... If you can't do all this stuff on his computer, will he let you do it on your own?
Depends. A scythe made of pillows, or a pillow made of scythe? XD A scythe made of pillow is allowed, a pillow made of scythe is not XD Must be...
You no Skype from home? lol
lol Fair enough XD Skype if you want, don't if you don't XD And that's not me, the ninja was just for effect XD I have plenty of pillows XD No...
lol You are hopeless XD How are you? :D
lol STILL in your head? XD
lol Knowledge is power XD What did you do for Easter? Anything special? :D
lol A syth? Nuh uh! This is a pillow war! Pillows only XD If you need to make an account you can do that from any computer lol. All you need is...
Thanks for the help! I really appreciate it :D
Challenge accepted >.> lol [IMG] Sadly I do not think an iPod or PSP can do Skype XP
I am sorry, but I must go, school tomorrow and such XP lol Night :D Enjoy the con if I don't see you by then! Pics maybe? :3 lol
lol Yup. The Warcraft bit was the "official" reason, but the unofficial reason is more money lol. I am leaning more towards unofficial XD Though,...
Well, supposedly blizz is adding in panda because Pandorians were in the original Warcraft which they shot off of. But really, they are doing it...
I see. And what are your thoughts on the next expansion? Ya know, pandas and such, pokemon style things? (I want to see a Death Night panda......