...nooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!! that completely ruins the point of having a zombie bat oh god no!
Agreed. Fun Fact: If you say look into a mirror at Midnight and say KHI 5 times, Monkey comes and rapes you.
Link or it didn't happen.
Dude, I said the same thing when I popped into this thread.
Thanks, thanks, and thanks.
Yup .
Misty's having a Database error at the moment. Block delayed.
Do you seriously need to take every thread I post and make it into some sort of rebellious show of asshatery? Enough is enough Ghetto.
I only have 4 asses.
Internet drama is the best kind of fail.
* you're
^ Title
Cause you'd lose. And you know I'm right.
Seriously, who the hell are you?
It's pretty much fact. Let's all make fun of him and his ******ed and unappreciatted posts in sections he shouldn't even be in.
Yeah, basically
**▲▲ ▲ ▲ ▲▲ ▲Wrong
You try actually triforcing on KHV. Alt 255 just makes symbols, not spacing.
Oh my. I'm insulted.
Sorry, what was that? I was too busy seeing you don't have a triforce.