Why the fuck are you all the way over there? Grab New Zealand and take your rightful place in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean where you belong. And on your way, grab that asshole South Africa.
Yeah, really. Perhaps she's officially joined the troll army?
Funny you should say that.
So this was a pretty good movie, but having been released by Disney in North America, Disney technically has some claims and rights to it. [Kingdom Hearts 3 anyone?]
You rang? Supposedly it's the god of all pokemon.
Unfortunetly it's weak to Rainbows. Making it sadly impossible to float over the rainbow. However in episode #3427, Ash runs into a trainer who's dream is to drift over the rainbow on a Drifloon. The Drifloon pops halfway over. This episode is famous for being the only episode in which a pokemon dies. People still didn't care.
Supposedly it's the magical floating pokemon. Who's main talents involve floating, hovering, levitating, and floating. In battle, the pokemon will float it's enemy to death. Drifloon is known as one of the most powerful pokemon in existence for it's amazing skill in flotation and drifting.
And it's ridiculous because most people couldn't even catch 151.
I'm pretty sure the designers just stopped trying. Seriously, what the shit is this?
493, basically 500.
Oh my fucking god just look at that fucking thing this is the cutest pokemon in existence.
Why thank ya.
Maybe if your name wasn't "zack" and you weren't always at the bottom of my contacts list. XD
Sup man, haven't talked in a while. :T
-EDITED FOR CONTENT- -Shadowjak PS: Haaai cin
Wrong . Btw, was I just spoiled? Cause I'll tell ya right now, if you just spoiled my Persona 3. I'll kick some major anus.
Quality > Quantity
Rosey and I had the same experience with the SAT's. They're SO easy. It's ridiculous how people exaggerate about them. I took them in 8th grade and scored higher then 72% of Graduating seniors. Either the SAT's are easy, or Seniors were fucking stupid that year. I won't give you advice, you don't need it.
You made me realize that in less then 3 weeks I'll have been on the site for 3 years.