What a fagt.
Okay... You people seriously are misunderstanding the question I'm asking. I don't give a **** if you trust atheists as people, I'm NOT asking that question. What I'm asking is, why would you agree with established views in which there's no debate scientifically, such as the world is round, but NOT on something like Evolution or the Big bang for example? Why would you trust an intellectual with your open heart surgery but when religion is involved they're suddenly wrong? Don't look at me and call me prejudice for thinking "Omg all theists hate atheists" because it's simply not true and it's simply not what I believe to be true. What I'm saying is, many great people were atheist, perhaps there's a connection and that simple connection would be a religious view or lack there of. Continue. - And Albert Einstein was in fact a Deist
I'm not necessarily saying trust them as people, more like trust them that they know what they're talking about when it comes to the existence or a god or other secular matters, where most Christians seem to think that Atheists are just idiots.
ITT: A zombie
Thanks for the clarification + fun fact.
Just being fucking awesome.
Or rather intelligence, more like the driving force of atheism. This question is directed towards theists of all religions, some of the world's most intelligent, influential people, not only in this time but spanning over the course of thousands of years have been atheists. Here's a quick list: Abraham Lincoln Albert Einstein Andrew Carnegie Ernest Hemingway Charles Darwin Benjamin Franklin Carl Sagan Elizabeth Cady-Stanton Voltaire Galileo Galilei Freidrich Nietzsche Helen Keller James Madison John Adams Karl Marx Napoleon Bonaparte John Lennon Walt Disney Mark Twain Robert Frost Susan B. Anthony Vincent Van Gogh Thomas Jefferson Thomas Edison Oscar Wilde Several larger lists: Activists Authors Film, Radio, Television, Theatre Musicians Philosophers Politicians Scientists Misc. Why would you look at all these people and say, "Well, they have to be wrong.". Look at your life, these people have shaped it in ways you're either aware of or not. Just look at Scientists, I will not be biased or stupid in saying all Scientists are atheist, but a majority of them do not associate themselves with any particular religion. Why would you believe Scientists about astrology or engineering or physics, but NOT about basic evolutionary biology? These people are obviously smart, they know what they're talking about, I'm sure you looked at at least ONE of the names on these lists and said, "Wow...I never knew they were Atheist", with this new information, has your belief changed at ALL, or do you still think that there's no way God can't exist? I mean obviously there's flaws with the logic I'm using here but seriously, come on. Use your heads.
Exactly, at least they can see an eruption coming from this one in the near future, in time to evacuate or figure out some way to protect the citizens of Anchorage. This is actually a much better situation then most volcanic eruptions.
How is this news?
Alright, after seeing that trailer, with all the gameplay, this game suddenly looks about 20 times better.
lol, it's weird. Some of these are really good, some of these are horrible. I think a perfect example would be the contrast in quality between Vocaloids 3 and Vocaloids 14. 3 is amateur, horrible, it just looks ugly. 14 is pretty decent, simple but very good. Continue practicing, I wanna see some consistency. D:
Cool tests are so stupid. You're ******s for even taking it.
Was I the only person in the universe who didn't watch the Afro Samurai premier last night on purpose?
Really? You've got to be kidding me.
That made my day.
Dude, I'd let them have me.
lolwut? http://www.wimp.com/teslacoils/
Yes Hissora. I realize my username is also the abbreviation for a form of Cervical cancer. Fun Fact: KHV stands for Koi Herpes Virus.
It's actually a whole line of hair products. Takes up half an Aisle at my local Target.