You call this "never fail", well tell ya what buddy!!! if you don't low prices here!!! I'm not staying!!!! so give me one sofa on the double!!!
Awww, don't be sad dude!!! Dudes like us here at the bar never shed a tear!! So to cheer up, I have a present for yaz!!! Awesome!!!
^yes, true Not was expecting that
Dang....your awesomeness must be to the next level Mine's at level 2, and yours?
*comes back* @Sora: Try looking for Madiyasha's Gay Bar, she made one, I just don't remember where in the spam zone @W7FHAX: You poked my shot arm EDIT: Oh girls...have you tried the other bar across the spam zone?
25803 *Indiana Jones theme music*
*gives nachoes while holding another hand made build-a-bear (that's a dog, not a bear) bear thing*
*rots and respawns at a near location*
This is for straight ppl right? And Dr. Pepper? Give me some!!!! *Drink Barrel full of Dr. Pepper* *feels awkward* *dies*
DX nuuuuuuuuu hey look Demyx in a corn costume!!!!
Sure why not, I'll be happy to join EDIT: Filling in for brother position
25801 And The Hundred Goes To B-day Boy!!!
GASP!!! NOOOO!!! The bear (which looked like Megatron) I was supposed to give my sister!!! Oh well, she'll just have to settle with stuffing
Cheer up Roxma here open my gift I rewrapped GIFT
It's about being a family with all bunch of members, then you start being and friends and grow up, be married,have two forum families and all that crazy stuff
Brownies.....yum... My sister thinks her goldfish is weird
>_> *brings in hand made Build-a-bear bear thing* uhhhh....what I miss?
Apples and Mangoes.....yum....
this answer you question? XD EDIT: yes I am (please read mood)