Seeing what a pathetic FF player I am I would have to say at this time (since I'm a noob-I admit it) it would be Seymour from FFX
Dance, dance by Fall Out Boy Maximum head bang!!!! I tried but then I got so dizzy I fell on the floor
I agree with mastersword, I rather play runescape than club penguin or neopets...but since I got tired of runescape because it really needs to change and needs to approach a new different graphic design, new missions for free-players and for the heck of it, once you know what to do, it gets so repetative and you realize it's an MMORPG game, it's supposed to be repetative but however, while free-players gets so little, members gets a lot more. why don't the makers of this game make a lot more for the people who don't want to pay at all. (plus, some games are better than runescape, even 2d games kick runescape anytime) Runescape really needs some changes
Since did the game started out with the PS2, they decided to keep that way for COM however, they decided to to approach a different console.
Thanks and yeah, that's where I got the Jazz pic
First name: Sorax Gender: Male (duh) Hair: just make it black like my normal hair color Aspiration: Popularity, your choice Turn ons/off (two ons, one off): On: Fitness, Formal Wear Off: Full Face Makeup, Stink Zodiac sign: Taurus EDIT: Hair is short and a little spikey
Kill me now please....AND YEAH YOU SHOULD!!! *suicide*
Cloud made it the bandwith exceed
XD *laughter* a game that has a system requirement of a gb is dumb, that would take a super computer to have it, or an external hard drive with 400 gb
a 100mb and 4 hours of waiting, but it's worth the wait, trust me, ragnarok is fun...and once I download it soon, I'm going to have either a poring or a...crap forgot the name of the creature, think it was bahamoth
Thanks your ironhide sig is better Where'd you get the pics?
Whoa, you have a Sakray client!? I used to have one Wish I can download but it though
I wear green a lot
Good For You!!!!
*cries over not having a girlfriend*
- no - no :nono: - no - no - no - no - yes
Oh...shiny gun you have there!!! may I borrow?