Mel-chan got a shot 8D. *goes to tease her over msn.....again*
I agree with this statement. Plus Travel agencies have great perks.
lol. I would think that they would wait till GH: World tour is out before making any serious comparisons. I prefer Guitar Hero though. I'd rather not have to have 2 friends with me to fully enjoy the game. Plus I like the songs in GH more~
With a gun.
I am not an eleven damn it! I am japanese ;3;
You really do use beatings for everything, huh? xD My noobish moment would be when I tried to play my PS2 and thought something was wrong, but I forgot to put in the a/v cables lol.
Here are the usertitles that you will get as your post count increases, in case you wanted to know:
Well as you know, Microsoft has a crap load of games that they also release on the PC, and since they have things like this , all they would need is to make games that would fit on things like those.
As strong as Giratina is, Arceus has the highest base stats of all the legendaries. Imagine how awesome he must be in battle.
4 45r8 hgbyn9hg bn ikju7g fvb efdrc My elbows suck.
Rockband D:
Generally just do the same thing as the other legendaries. Use a status effecting move, reduce hp as low as possible, and hope that he stays in the ball. Although many people have said he's hard to catch either way since his moves are killer and he's quite resilient. So hope for the best lol.
Giratina is one of my favs~ Although it was the hardest pokemon for me to ever catch since I only use pokeballs in all the games.
I have Riolu and Lucario if you want~ Seriously, I have like 10+. Take all you want.
Damn straight.
Ha, they really put Jecht. I didnt care much for him in there but he might be awesome if they dont downplay him. I like his sword though.
FFIV. Those twins were just irresistable, and im not just talking about the ones on Rydia.
I am one Azure Flute away from all legit legendaries lol.
Well luckily Hayley's pokemon counts till around lvl 20, then after that you can just pretty much make eggs (since they count as pokemon lol) and catch pokemon at the same time to speed up the road to 999.
Mew - Level up your Ranch to 25. (Import 999 Pokemon) That sounds like it'll take some time lol.