Frog/Glen from Chrono Trigger.
A mount is not necessary. Did you use a standard or custom install?
Staff had to manually change the member's usertitles to its proper thing. They try and get as many people as possible. The only people who are normal members and still have custom usertitles are ones that are inactive and therefore staff never sees them.
I saw this on tv. I was surprised because he wanted to actually make something good and kickass instead of just recreating a movie/comic. Then they should the gameplay and it was awesome. I admit the combat looks greatly improved and really does give that feel like you're doing what spidey does. I dont know how great the rest of the game is though, I guess I'll just wait till more info comes out.
Dont worry, life already showed them their place by making them weaker and giving them a smaller paycheck n.n
The trailer was awesome. And the gameplay video was simply epic. I liked how they just used the enviroment to take out some enemies. And the new spells and classes look great. Especially that zombie wall lol. I know im totally getting this~
Stupidest idea ever. Not only because it will never be approved, but because it shows a lack of knowledge of a forum. Once the time is over, the sections would not count anymore and your post count would be lowered again.
DLC for Disgaea never crossed my mind before, but if it gets more things like this and its actually brought to the US, the game will be quite awesome. I dont care much for Rozalin other than her 2-3 good attacks, but I'll enjoying beating the crap out of others with Adell. And the Nekomata has always been useful for me with it's cat blast move at higher levels. Im so glad right aobut now that my birthday is in August.
CtR kinda has a point. There are alot of old members here that dont really venture into those areas that count because they'd rather have fun with their families and stuff. They wouldnt get points and would be limited just because they dont wanna talk about things that dont interest them. She's also right about it causing more trouble. At the moment rep is only used to get premium, and you dont need much of it. But if it actually was used towards something, more problems and fights would arise. This idea works great on GFX forums since people can buy/sell their works and on RP forums where they use points to buy things pertaning to the RP, but on this forum where RP's dont count and GFX makers are only a select bunch, it kind of makes it unbalanced. Refinement and planning of this idea would be needed if it is going to work properly.
It is a guide for the kingdom hearts games. It includes alot of extended information on the game as well as staff commentary, original concept art, etc.
After you make your pentool object, right click the layer it is on and go to blending options. There you should see an option for outer glow. Go into there and change the color to blue and it should achieve the desired effect.
Just relax, this isnt about the mimikins thread lol. They're talking about the people who were assisting the recent troll.
Well that one didnt work, so another one had to be made. And now they'll know that a warning will be issued for every post that feeds the troll. So they cant say they werent warned if they get banned next time~
Black Ichigo shirt with pajama pants~
Imma get you madi. *sticks a death note under there*
>.> <.< Lucky Dx
I<3Hissy Inthebutt
In addition to my previous statement, she also has no bra on.