No, you definitely know.
Try uploading it on Imageshack <: They made it so that it would be like Link marking his maps with the feather pen he uses. Thats the one of the things I like about Nintendo, all I have to do is buy a game and take a survey and I get free crap <:
My LoZ feather stylus is waaaay better. And I didnt have to pay for that.
These noobs make me gigglesnort.
All hail Opera! But not really lulz
Well its not all that necessary to have it in posts, but yeah, that'd be cool. As long as its only certain things though. People can get quite naughty with html.
I got bored again lol.
Chances are that SoM will be popping up soon, whether it be a port or on the virtual console. Im thinking that there may be more to the CT port then they say. A port with just a new dungeon and wireless play seems a little underdone. Im hoping for new enemies, weapons, armor, skills, etc. I dunno, maybe the new dungeon is huge or randomly generated or something. *waits for new info to pop up*
I always go to sleep if I cant immediately find anything to do. And I forget some words in english and just talk bits and pieces in french. I also gnaw on my nails even though I hate it. Lastly, I love kitty too much. I just cant help that <3
*nom nom nom* What, no dog ears for the Can-chan?
She's not as think as you drunk she is.
Im good too. And loving the update~ I gonna by Super Stardust soon since its awesome and I cant wait to get some trophies.
Quoted for truth.
She kinda smells D;
I had insomnia and out pooped this baby: I hate not having a tablet >:
Well its only more parts, more paint jobs, a few more BGs for the testing mode and thats all. But it is only 10 bucks. I guess it really depends on if you care about making more monsters.
I'd do Legion.
You guys are so silly
You need a high quality version of this picture?