Japanese stuff, X the movie, a bunch of video games~
I like that Dinosaur there Reptar ;D. And I like how there's always someone making a weird face in your pictures xD
Mine is like that except its the 5 minute rule~
Yeah, I doubt it would change. But even Shaymin gets an extra type in Platinum~ And im happy about the Regis too. Also, I hope the the release of Platinum is soon followed by a Azure flute event, since to my knowledge there hasnt been one. Plus, since there might be a chance of Palkia and Dialga both being available, it would be cool to have Arceus since he made them both and the 3 sprites.
I wish I was a 1000-gon
Now that'll be pretty useful. Plus the MGS: Essential Collection came out so that'll help bring people up to par too.
Yup, pretty much. Unless the PS3 starts getting into gear they're gonna fall behind. I just hope FF XIII is really good. The last good one to come out other than Crisis core was FFX.
More like a snake xD. I wonder if its' new form will change its type. It doesnt look much like a dragon anymore so it might be Ghost/whatever now. But it would suck to lose the epic advantage of being a tough as nails dragon that's completely unaffected by normal attacks.
Ew, she's like 50 years old D:
As a robot, I have no emotions or opinions, but I must admit that LullabyCaiden is awesome x the number of decimals in pi. BEEP BOOP.
Thats pervy? I say worse things in my sleep D:
I'd hit it so hard a baby would pop out.
Inuyasha is over after so many years D: Quite the happy ending if I do say so myself. DP was crying xp
MGS. Dur.rrrrrrr Halo gets boring so quickly for me.
^ This girl lies ^
The Azure Flame God Kite? o: