*starts looking around making it look as if i was looking for somebody*where are you rexejon where?
ok i'm tired of waiting*dissapears and reappears next to rexejon*all you have to do is walk through the door you know well i'm busy as you will find out always busy see you later*dissapears back into the memory*
*falls asleep but wakes up again because something heavy landed on her so she opened her eyes and saw a sword shapend like a thunder bolt*wow cool*picks it up and uses thunder but the thunder made a wholr in the floor*oops sorry whoevers down there if you are down there
i know soon the keybladers will be ours just mindless zombies who have no life i have an idea lets put add extra us in the memorys you know the real us in exchange for the fake memory i'm going in*dissapears and reappears in the memory and waits for rexejon to come into the memory
ok so this idea just formed in my head i just thought what would happen if the organization met their somebodys ou can be the nobody and somebody or just one of them 'm missing two of the organization could somebody tell me who they are and just make up the somebodys characters: axel: xemnas: demyx: zexion: larxene:naminestwinsister marluxia: saix: xigbar: xaldin: lexaeus: luxord:
*takes the key and walks to the room*right now where did that key go ah here*open the door and walks in then closes the door and decides to go to sleep*
thiss is brillian soon we could have power over th keyblad our plan will work such poor suckers if i had a heart i might be feeling regret hahahahahahaha
yup of course i know you 've wanted to join the organizationn for loger than i can remember
oh yeah my name well my name is ashley
hey your back what did paine want?
now what shall i do i know i'll go check up on aly*appears hiding watching Gwyxn toying with aly and throws Gwyxn the cards with fake memorys and dissappears again*
why did marly atually seem to care about paine when he left?
ok i might as well have a little fun with you*appears behig rexejon*well you seem lively here i have something for you*hands you some cardsuse them to see your memorys and the reason you came oh well i have to go be a good boy now*dissappears laughing*i cant beleive that worked he is going to think the exit is the dungeon hahaha
*hides watching rexejon be confused and acidently laughs*
woohoo i'm in the organization yay
ok so can i join the organization marly?
so is it the right liquid?
hang on can i take a sample of whatever you have left i think i've seen that liquid before thanks*take some liquid and looks at it*ok you can find it but its quite rare but i'm guessing its moogle made so 'd have to see moogles about this i'll be right back*dissappears and reappears half an hour later with a crate of bottles of the liquid*hey marly i'm back i got the liquid
well marly where can you get the liquid i could try and find it or get the ingredients for it
yes i would like to join you and do you think its to late to add stabilisers?i have some with me