can i have larxene please?
um could i have namine please?
*A nobody appeared ans naminedecided to follow and she saw zexion in a room*hi zexion what do you want?
wow your a great artist you should try a harder kh character to draw like hmmmm are there any hard drawings for you? <3 its awesom a rating out of 10 i say 10,000,000,000 out of 10
Name:gwyxey Age:13 Gender:female Appearance: Power:snow/ice Weapon:two small daggers Bio:she tands to spend time making snow men in the snow she makes she normally either looks completely blank or she looks sad which is her usual personality Other: none
you caused it?oh well who cares who caused it what matters is who cures us hopefully vexen wont get any ideas but anyway as long as we are ill we should be doing something to help us feel better and something to entertain us*she sneezed again and a tv with a games console and games appeared*ok so what game have we got here ?*she started looking through them
yeah i wonder who started because this castle is gonna fall apart*she sneezed again and a lion appeared*um or maybe i'll end up making us leave here forever
"hi roxas guess what we have a waterpark with a shark in the swimmig pool"she said without even looking at him *she sneezed and drew a cage with bars like a jail cell* "see roxas now how do i get out?"*she sneezed again and a door appeared so she walked out* "geez i wonder who started all this illness"
*namine sneezed again and started drawing again moments later the stair case that had just appeared crumbled to peices leaving a big mess*oh well*she walked on through the hallways and didnt sneeze for a while*
ooc:thanks ic:i hate being sick i'm gonna go for a walk*she walked out side and coughed and started to draw something when she finished there was a water park outside*oh no *she coughed again and drew a shark in the swimming pool*oh this is to dangerous someones gonna get hurt*she walked back inside and sneezed and drew a stair case that just stoped right in the middle of going back down
can i join namine - everytime she coughs or sneezes she draws the first thing that comes to her head and makes it become real dangerous or not
yes you can be namine and yes you can be kairi
like hi my family how is everyone whats new?
somebody in KH has only been pretending to bealive and everybody is getting suspicions about as they have heard muffled groans in places and when they ask whats going on they see somebody who says "nothing is going on everythings fine*but oneday somebody finally sees the truth(the story starts from the beginning of that day characters sora: riku: kairi:lanihead7 namine:Nymph of Destiny roxas: larxene:naminestwinsister zexion: luxord: lexaeus: marluxia: axel: saix: demyx: xigbar: xaldin: xemnas: vexen: and anybody else you can think of that you would like to be
yeah that is a good thing i was pretty hungry afterward though i lost a whole roast dinner
well you wanna know where i was well i'm not going to give every last dtail because it was icky but i've een ill for a awhile but i'm alot better now
can i join this fan cub thingy?CTR is awesom
ashley was sleeping and heard some strange noises behind her that woke her up the noises stopped and she fell to the floor she acidently using telekenesis in her sleep again "oh not again" she said sleepily then there were more noises this time she turne around and saw some weird shaow like creatures one tred to attack her "what are you?"she asked then she lifted her wardrobe with her mind and dropped it on the creatures"what were they?"she asked again "the heartless of course creatures who dwell without hearts you destroy a heartless you release a heart" said a voice in her mind
can i be namine