"well thats an idea except one problem for you he would go around getting riku and kairi wouldnt he i'm being generous oh well wait here*runs to wherever you are keeping the pig*there now i shall leave you alone. hey a moogle!"*runs off to bite the moogle*
"picky picky so who can i bite because if you dont hurry i'm gonna totally bite everyone"
"fine sora but dont think i'm actually gonna leave them and i always did wander what a princess of eart tasted like"said larxene with a wide grin across her face "oh and first i think i will leave kairi and riku now who else could i get oh i know four people ho about donald, goofy, king mickey and queen minnie i'll let you keep the chipmunks now to Disney castle!"
um yeah gross i think i'll find a more satisfying meal like i dont know how about riku kairi and namine i think they will do.coming roxas?
can i be namine
well how else do i get blood? bite a cow and make a vampire cow?
thanks for that
"roxas the truth is your a vampire to or you will be soon thats what my bites cause vampirism and besides i needed the blood"larxene said licking her lips "so where can i find a few more humans?"
Name:odd Age:16 Weapon/s:laser arrows that can fired from his fist spells:telekenesis(can move things with mind Apperance: Race:human Element to command:thunder Rank: Team:team oblivion Bio:he is really energetic and he loves food but he still loves to destroy things and people
could i have larxene please? or are you going along with the whole sora destroyed organization 13 thing?
now to find blood well i dont know *larxene runs back to the ally way*hi you two you wouldnt know where i could find alot of humans do you? its just i'm kinda hungry
*larxene comes out bites roxas and runs away*
ooc:i gotta go now bie bie bic:*larxene decided it would be to much trouble to waste time on them she was really hungry for blood*
*larxene watches sora and namine trying to decide whos blood would taste better*
yeah i know its really bad maybe i could swap scripts with roxas while he isnt looking cange it aroung a bit and he becomesthe damsel
*ashley appeared outside and decided she would just sit down outside*
sure why not?<sarcastic>it was a typo i was gonna put 16
ooc: thanks bic:larxene went out to look for some blood
name:ashley age:12 parents:axel and larxene gender:female
ooc:ok bic:i cant beleive i'm actually a movie star *she looks through her script*great i get the part of damsal in distress oh well lets see my lines *she starts screaming(its what was on the script)*