i'm a vampire thats why i'm blood mad and so are you guys sora namine roxas all of you but you have been living from pigs blood and cows blood now if you'll excuse me i have a town to make a meal out of
hey i'll join! name:odd age:16 power:wind apperence: except without the staff bio:she has lived in the skys all her life hanging around in clouds
*larxene slowly started edging towards ollette in hope of getting at least a drop of blood*
*larxene opened a portal and appeared in twilight town in the sand lot*ok now that i have founda way of getting blood time is frozen now who to bite i could try hayner, pence and ollete or seifer, fuu and rai oh i'll bite them all *larxene stepped up to hayner*
wow awesom video i rated it!
i can tell you something nobody cares about that i have already told and that something is i was nearly hit by a car this morning and if it had hit me it would be the second hit within a year
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii guys i know you've all been really really busy throwing away all the cookie <:sarcastic:>
*larxene appears behin d luxord and bites him*hi luxord
i know but these are funny to they are called happy tree freinds http://www.funny-games.biz/animations/5-happy-tree-friends.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RO7Q1tMGE7g http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABpbMPpWdP4&NR=1
actually you had me conused because you wanted kadage and kairi but she aid you could only have two characters you never chose which one you'd ditch
i know it was random but thats why you started dog right because well it is the [I]RANDOM[/I] i know more random videos like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_E_-Z0zkQ4 this ones called super ******ed dog and also here is the titanic in 30 seconds http://www.funny-games.biz/animations/91-titanic_in_30_sec.html
ok thanks for that
*she drank the water and she turned human again but 5 minutes later she turned back to a vampire*ok if i ever die on my grave stone i want the words carved "well this sucks"
i have a funny animation for you guys sure it takes the p**s out of other countries including mine but its funnyhttp://www.funny-games.biz/animations/86-shavecut.html
really i'm fairly good at it (that might have something to do with the fact that we have virtually every french word we need in year 8 or 8th grade in our planners and i'm the only one who actually realized that page existed btw who is neo?
*larxene decided she would just try an actual drink so she went and to get a drik of water*
practising french? well in that case i'll uh just sit out i'm only 12 years old
*larxene wasn't getting anywhere so she portalled to castel oblivion and went to find xemnas*
boo guess who's here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N26KWq7MmSc weird al yankovic's "like a surgeon"
"aaaaahhhhhhh sunlight" *larxene ran away as fast as she could*