*walks up to the library*hi zexion do you like the surprise it took alot of work you know
ooc:ok bye bye
but your life was music and cookies and if your making a new life what do you need them for and if everything is a lie i am larzxene the savage nymph is that a lie?
no i will just make you freak out again*gets out a pair of scissors and cuts the strings on demyx's sitar
*she run away and rips out pages of books in the library just for zexion then runs back outside*hi
demyx if marly ate them then how can they not be real that was the fake i replaced with the real one that i ate
zexion you know he loves cookie but hes never done that before but it feels like he has
ok i'm just going to um you know run before you realize the cookies a fake*starts running but crashes into a wall and falls over*ok i have definetly done that before exactly that
um nothing*you drop the cookie and it bounces*
thanks demyx you didnt notice the cookie crumbs on my face or thats a fake cookie rubber oops hang on i swear i have said that before
ooc:yes of course join in whenever
he has one more cookie?*she wipes cookie crumbs from her mouth*"he already knows he about to shout at me i'm sure its happened"
maybe but i had to choose food and get more
yeah this is one of the first times i hav seen him any way i am making a detour i have to walk half way across the room and back wait here
name:ashley age:16 weapon:fans(they are made of steel and are sharp at ends) other:can use telekenesis(can move things with mind
can i join please my oc name:ashley bio:n/a other:can use telekenesis(can move thing with mind)
yes and yes