OOC: Ooooh I get it. BIC: Lilly settled down to rest. She fell alseep for about ten minutes then she relized what Matt was going to do. " Oh no." She said and got off the couch to go look for him.
OOC: I know what you mean. BIC: " Ok." She said.
Lilly nodded. " Yeah I'll be fine. Thanks again." She said.
OOC: That's fine. I'm also playing a new DS game I got yesterday so my posting might be kinda slow too. BIC: " I guess." She said.
OOC: kk BIC: " I know I'm sorry." Lilly said quietly.
OOC: Yeah I'm happy too! lol
OOC: OH YEAH!!! TwilightBlader you made the 2,000th POST!! :woohoo: :roll:
" Oh right sorry." Lilly said took them off.
OOC: kk night BIC: " Ok thanks again." She said.
Cana was asleep next to him.
Lilly looked at the hotel nearby. OOC: kk
Cana rested her head on Fang's body.
Lilly felt really aucword with him holding her.
Lilly sighed, " Yeah fine. Thanks." She said.
Cana pressed her muzzle against his flank then tried to get some of the kunai's out of him.
" But what about the others? We can't just leave them!" She said.
" Are you ok?" Cana asked softly.
Cana was so scared she couldn't move. But she wasn't scared of Fang but of the hunters.
" I'm telling you I'm fine!!" Lilly said being stubburn.
" Fang!!" Cana yelled.