" Oh." Jess said. OOC: Sorry i gtg bye
" Who?" Jess asked.
" My name is Jess. Who are you?" She asked.
Jess walked down the street casually. Then she accidently ran into a girl. " Oh I'm sorry." She said.
Ok then....... how about we start?
Doesn't matter to me.
I'll join Name: Jess Age: 16 Bio: She ran away from home Hero or villian: Hero Power: Ice/snow Weapon: Ice sword Attitude: Shy, sweet, kind Apearance:
OOC: kk sounds good Oh and tommarrow I won't be on untill like 9:30 pm ( U.S. eastern time) cuz after school I'm going over a friends house then her mom is taking us to the school dance, but I'll be on after k?
" Great." Lilly said sarcasticly. " So if he gets ahold of Matt then he'll be able to get this stone." OOC: ok now I have to go sorry bbl bye
" What's the major advantage?" Lilly asked.
" Um I don't know his last name. But he's sort of our leader. Kinda." Lilly said. " Why? Do you know him?"
OOC: Oh yea!! Sorry and also I've gtg but I'll be back in about 45 min Edit: Uh actually I don't have to go for a few more min BIC: " Actually it does ring a bell. Oh yeah! Rob was talking about it!" Lilly said.
Lilly shook her head, " No." She said.
OOC: Hya :lol2:
Lilly's eyes widened. " So, what's the gate he wants to open?" She asked. OOC: Sorry I gtg bye
" So I'm guessing you have the stone of crimson water." Lilly said.
" I know." Lilly said sadly.
" Yes but at least you're not alone anymore." Lilly said.
" It's nice to meet you Sam. " Lilly said.
" Oh um I'm Lilly." She said. " And who are you?"