" I was kidnapped by Zed. This is his lair." Lilly said.
" Velox!!" Lilly yelled happy to see him, " How did you find me? And who is he?" She asked looking at grim.
" Well he's...." Lilly started then she heard someone yell her name. " What in the world?" She said standing up. " HELLO!?! YEAH I'M HERE!!" She yelled.
Lilly rolled her eyes, " That's for sure." She said.
" Uh yeah, sort of. He invited me into a group a while ago, because of my stone. Then we left for tokyo a little while later. And now here I am." She said.
" Hm." Lilly said crossing her arms. She still had a bad feeling but brushed it off, thinking it was no big deal.
Lilly had this really bad gut feeling. " Do you know anything else about this girl?" She asked.
" Hm?" Lilly said opening her eyes and lifting her head. " Another girl?"
OOC: Yeah we're glad.
OOC: Not just pathetic. It's kinda scary too. My friend and I would NEVER walk alone in the halls cuz we were afraid that he might like rape us or something. Idk it was just really freaking us out. But luckily he got held back last year so he's not even in the same school as us. Thank god!! And another wierdo in our school was this goth girl and she was HUGE!! ( no I mean she wasn't just......big... she was tall too. I'm talking building size.) and my bff tried to pick a fight with her ( of course over her boyfriend) and that was scary. But luckily she was transfered for beating up some kid. So now we don't have to worry about too many wierdo's, cuz most of the other ones stay away from us. BIC: Lilly laid her head against one of the bars and closed her eyes. But she didn't fall asleep.
OOC: lol don't be sad. we have some weirdo's too. Like for instance last year me and my best friend had this stalker kid follow us everywhere. He like followed us around at the dances and like tried to sit with us at lunch. But when we asked him what his problem was he just ran off. It was sooooooo weird. kk goodluck, have fun.
OOC: Yeah a lot of guys and girls too can't dance so we just jump up and down and scream and sing and act like complete ******s, but it's fun.
OOC: Well it wasn't exactly a prom, like we didn't dress up or anything. It was just a fun school dance. We have one every other friday. Sometimes we even have a live band play, but yeah you probably could've gotten lots of dates.
OOC: what the girls crying? Or the little kid left alone in the mall? Oh and I have to go sorry, bye
OOC: yeah I know they like all came crying to me, it was really sad.
OOC: No it was for different reasons, like one broke up with one of my friends, another refused to dance with another one of my friends then danced with some other girl, another started making fun of another friend cuz of something that happened over the summer, and another was crying cuz her bf was gonna get beat up after the dance and she didn't want him to get hurt, ( truthfully I started laughing when she told me then she got all mad at me.) Yeah stuff like that.
OOC: OMG!! That's terrible! I hate people like that! I mean to just leave your kids in the mall like that!?! UGH!!! But yeah I had one of those drama filled nights. I mean I didn't know sooooo many girls could cry at one dance. And it was all over their stupid boyfriends. One of my favorite shirts is ruined cuz of all the tears.
" Is that how long you've been in here?" Lilly asked. OOC: Like what? ( U don't have to tell me if you don't want to)
OOC: ha ha! Didn't you say you hate the mall? BIC: Lilly sighed in frustration.
OOC: Hmmmmm well you could have him walking around somewhere. Then he see's like Matt or something walking around. Idk it's just a suggestion. You don't have to use it, and i gtg sorry bye