Lament was mixing a potion. " I think this one will turn out nice." She said to herself.
OOC: omg you never quit do you? lol REDSOX ARE BETTER!!!!!!!!!!! BIC: " So how do I stop him?" Lilly asked grim, convinced that Matt really was evil by now.
Lilly looked over at Matt again. " Is he really that evil?" She thought.
Name: Lament Age: 16 Gender: Female Class: Mage Birth town: City of Earth History: Her speaialties are making different plants into potions, both for attack and defence. She always smells like flowers and the way she looks usually leaves her left out. And she's always quiet. Pic/description:
" So the agate chose Matt because of his dark side?" Lilly asked.
" No." Lilly said.
" But I know that's not the real him. He has a kind side too. I know this because I get the same way." Lilly said.
" B..but I..I don't hate him. I mean sure he can be a pest sometimes. But I don't hate him." Lilly said.
" How?" Lilly asked softly, she still wasn't sure if this was her only choice.
Lilly looked back at Grim. " Will he get hurt?" She asked.
Lilly looked over at Matt with a worried look on her face. He was right, there's no other way to stop him. OOC: Sorry one of my dad's friends just stopped by, he's from chec republic and I didn't want to be rude and just leave.
Lilly gave him an evil glare. " Yeah right. You just need his power to open the gate! It will probably hurt him, or worse!" Lilly said.
" Well if you know so much about this. Then how do I power him down?" Lilly asked.
Lilly quickly spun around and got in a fighting stance. " I've only seen him like this once, and it was when his parents died." Lilly said harshly.
Lilly stood there. A couple tears rolled down her eyes. She didn't know what to do.
OOC: kk thanks night
Lilly didn't know what to do. This time he was even more powerfull. OOC: Hey I have to go soon and I might, just might stay home tomarrow cuz there's this flew going around and I think I got it so yeah.
Lilly sent a large light orb at Matt, remembering the time before.
Lilly punched down the puppet. Then she stood there watching him. She had seen Matt this way only once before. " Matt please stop." She said to the holy stone.
" MATT!!!!!!!!" Lilly screamed.