" No I'm fine!" Lilly said.
" No see I'm fine." Lilly said very slowly standing up. Her legs were all shaky then she collapsed on her butt.
Cana followed him.
" No I'm fine." Lilly said clutching her leg.
Lilly couldn't stand. Her leg was bleeding badly.
" Ok!" Cana said jumping up and down all excited like a puppy.
Cana finished chewing the buzzard and said, " Not sure, where do you want to go?"
Lilly tried to stand up and get out of the way.
Lilly groaned and opened her eyes. When she saw the feet coming towards her she screamed and tried to roll out of the way.
Lilly didn't notice the grenade and fell to the ground, hard from the explosion.
" I don't know how you keep doing that, but it's really cool. Thanks." Cana said and took a bite of the buzzard.
She suddenly blew out a giant blast of light. Pushing all of the people out of the way of the colapsing buildings.
Lilly didn't know what to do. All she knew was that she had to help them and fast.
Lilly also ducked down then looked over at the collapsing builiding. " We have to help those people!!" She yelled and started running towards the screaming people.
" I'm not sure, I've never had one." Cana said.
Lilly backed up with every step it took closer.
Lilly stood panting. " What is that thing?" She asked.
Lilly used her stone for high speed dodging, but she could feel her self starting to slow down even with the stone because of hunger and how tired she was.
" No way am I leaving you." She said and made a light orb to hopefully light up the ally so she could see better. Then she noticed the puppets. " Not them again." She said.
" Ok." She said and walked off to find him. Lilly finaly found him. He looked like he was going to attack something. Then she saw the outlines of something that didn't look human. She ran up next to him to help.