WHAT!?! 17309
um... nothing.... :o 17307
:woohoo: new smileys!
new smileys! :censor::bounce::bored::blink::birthday::badimg: :action-smiley-057: :D *suspiciously happy* 17305
0_o indeed... it is scary... not a good idea... Thanks! 17302
something that never happened before?
*follows CtR with a golf club to make sure no one bad came in* *hits someone* whoops... sorry CtR... :o 17300
Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged series reference... YGO in 5 minutes... I hate the show but love TAS 17298
exactly what i was going to say but it'd sound utterly... oh yeah... spam zone... right...
actually... it was Super Mario 64! i found my NES later...
umm... could you point it out?
Attention duelists! My hair is happy!:D 17295
CtR's signature dances-for-everything... Site downtime sucks... 17293
:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D *dances* 17291
i could tell everyone stories about what happened... yeah... good times... (friends got drunk... lol) (they're legal drinking age) 17289
*bursts through thread wall* HI! 17287
I got to go now... byezorz... :( 16964
He's searching for Rum chocloate and Kira!
well... I have to go soon... okay... right now my friends want to take me out and find me a girlfriend... happy? I'm going to see some other friends so I'll be staying at their place til sunday. 16961
*chases Roxllen's image with a tonne of investigators and L* 16956