*crashes car through Thread* DAMMIT! that guy cut me off! 17499 (It's only a number)
Who hates that damned Mini Wheats commercial? 17497
Hi! finally showed yourself to the public! I already showed you the rules right? stick to 'em Don't get banned! Also, why do you have to sign on at my place? having to switch accounts every 5 seconds can be annoying! Don't dwell too much in user notes, okay?
*points to user who recently posted with a kairi avvy...* *points to CatGirlX* 17442
well... was going to anyways... I have a girlfriend finally! *Points to user with the kairi avvy* :D 17440
Should i tell everyone why i,m so happy CtR? 17436
don't you hate cold tea? 17434
*revives CtR* 17432
noo!!! don't die thread! 17430
Internet x2, messenger x2, Visual Boy advance, Paint
Surrender Every word every though every sound... 17428
bump 17407
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDvq79XTiww&mode=related&search= Hilarious intrepretation of the Super smash bros brawl theme "Hey! There's up-Bing n00bs, Being impotent" 17389
Roxas... and aren't there a million threads like this?
wait... what? 17387
Miiiiiniiii wheats wheats wheats! DAMMIT! 17381
aww :censor:! 17379
stupid allergies!
*sits and listens* oh... wait... *unlocks CtR's memories* 17376
*wakes up and plays pokemon crystal on VBA* 17374