Huh. Which is the advantage of either?
I hate that term, for an award, the 'Grammy'. Every time I hear that, I always think a person wins an old, elderly woman named 'Grammy'. I wish they would change it to something else...
Hi. How are you?
Our thread is in peril! We must pull together to keep it from dying against the forces of evil!
Hmm...yeah, none of that looks fun. Especially calculus. And chemistry, especially. The rest doesn't look that bad... X_X
I just loved how everyone was trying to figure this out.
My doggie of the fort can beat yours.
Not to mention two different stories that had, what looked and felt like, completely different stages. Seriously, it was the best of the bunch. lol, did anyone get 100% completion on that game, for the bonuses?
Makes me smile...:D
Scary part is, I think I've seen those two before in rl. O_O
I'd pay to see that. Especially if it's in a tournament, or something (I know, not likely to happen, but still).
...yeah. We're that bored, folks.
Why are we doing this, exactly?
Nobody dies in Kingdom Hearts. They just get really big booboos, scowl, and move forward.
Kill myself trying to save it.
Yeah, I see what you mean. The shadowing in that pic's all wrong. The light's coming in from a different direction from what the pic is displaying.
*spoiler* The 'nobody' who appears to be Ansem claims to have hidden his data inside Sora. Maybe that's what coded is about, besides the missing entries in Jiminy's journal, finding the data that Ansem hid inside of Sora?
No problem. What's your school schedule look like so far?
Fams! Grab your morphers! It's time to battle against evil!
I don't know, I think there were some clues, but we didn't really see them at the time. Take Tinkerbell, when she and Roxas first met. She almost immediately tried to get Roxas to help. She didn't try to fight him or anything, just 'asked'. We later find out, in BBS cutscenes, that Tinkerbell has met/talked to Ven.