So, how're things going with you?
My bad. I'll work on that.
Last time? Umm....Riku, Hiashi (Kairi's sister), and Vincent went to the Underworld to get Sora's soul back, but found the only way to do that is...
Next chapter of VoD is up.
This thread shall LIVE AGAIN! MUAHAHAHAHAHA! Okay, here's (finally) the next chap: As Hades anxiously waited for the final minute mark to be up, he heard someone walk to him from behind. He turned around to find Auron approaching. “You’re going to let him go through with this?†asked Auron. His demeanor appearing as grim as ever as he started to approach Hades. Hades shrugged, “No reason why not. I don’t care so much about the story behind the fights. If something can motivate a fighter further, I say ‘go for it’!†Auron walked closer to Hades, “If that’s the case, then maybe you’d like to give Vincent’s story a plot twist.†He placed a small, glowing sphere on the armrest of Hades chair, “It would add to the drama.†Auron then turned around and walked off. Hades examined the sphere, then smiled. Riku and Hiashi began to assume stances, the last ten seconds passing by fast. They had a plan to take down Vincent, but it would have to move as fast as they could go. Five seconds left. Four. Three. Two. “Last minute change, kiddies!†Hades boomed. Riku and Hiashi stumbled forward a little, while Vincent breathed a sigh, and unclenched his gun from behind his cape. “We’re taking this up a notch!†Hades threw a sphere at Vincent. As it hit him, Vincent was completely covered in an explosion of energy. When the light cleared, Vincent stood there, hunched over a bit, and growling. Vincent’s cape was no longer intact, although that doesn’t mean there wasn’t any ‘crimson’ on him: His hair was spiked in huge red and crimson clumps, with two huge, pincer-like bangs covering his face. If there was any trace of his cape left, it draped from his shoulders onto his chest, but even if it was intact, it still couldn’t cover the huge, red and black demonic wings on his back. Although covered almost completely in black, the parts of him that had metal, his arm, knees, etc., appeared as though they were attached, now; like they were more…like bone. Whatever appearance of looking human that Vincent had was gone. Riku gasped, while Hiashi covered her mouth with both hands, resulting in Vincent roaring. After a few moments, Riku managed, “So much for rushing him…†The crowd roared. Hades raised his hands, as if in triumph, and pointed at Vincent, “We’ll see what utter chaos Valentine will ensure, tonight! Only here, in the Underworld Colleseum!†The mob slowly made its way through the Destiny Islands, in search of Kairi’s home, and the people that dwelled in it, making their way along a path, through a highly wooded area. As soon as the house was in sight, though, they found themselves with an unexpected surprise: A young man, clad in black leather, with a scar extending from one point to another on his face diagonally, stood up from his sitting position, dusting himself off in the process. Squall straightened up as he stood, popping his neck from right to left. He really didn’t want to do this: He drew his gunblade, and pointed it at the mob. He then cocked it. One of the villagers pointed at Squall, and shouted, “He’s one of those freaks from before!†The mob started getting excited, and began to move forward. BANG! A gunshot was fired from somewhere in the trees, hitting the ground that divided the mob from Squall. The mob stumbled in surprise, coming to a stop. They looked around frantically to find the source. “Now, now, we’re not lookin’ for trouble,†said Irvine, hidden amongst the trees, preparing his rifle for another shot, “but that doesn’t mean that we’re not prepared to dish it out.†Squall, annoyed at Irvine from revealing his position by voice, continued to stare at the crowd, his blade pointed at the people, “What is it that you want, exactly?†Someone from the crowd yelled back, “We want allaya freaks to get outta our town!†The crowd nodded and muttered approvingly at his response. Squall wasn’t phased by that, “How do you all feel about a negotiation?†The crowd of people looked amongst themselves, earnest, yet confused. One person spoke up amongst the chatter, “What do you have in mind?†Squall slowly blinked. Wakka, Tidus, and Selphie all watched anxiously from Kairi’s home, as the mob stopped short of Squall. Tidus was nervous, “D’ya think they’ll be able to hold them off?†Wakka shook his head, “I don’t know, man. All I know is, they gotta. We don’t have much choice, or time left.†The speed Vincent used to throw Riku and Hiashi back was unbelievable. In less than a second, he had them face down on the floor, circling over the two of them like a vulture. Riku coughed, struggling to get up, and to wiping the dirt from his eyes. He tried carefully to watch for any patterns to Vincent’s attacks, but it was no use: They were all too random, unpredictable, and unbelievably strong. He looked over to Hiashi. She wasn’t fairing much better. She clutched one of her ribs as she struggled to get back on her feet. Valentine roared, the force knocking her back down. She coughed, struggled again, this time to her knees. “This is insane,†she managed, “Every time we get up, he knocks us back down!†Riku nodded, “I don’t know how we’re going to get out of this…we’re just not enough…†Riku struggled to get back up, only to get knocked back down by Vincent. Hiashi blinked at Vincent’s force, “He certainly doesn’t want us to stand, does he?†Riku, breathing hard and lying on his back, shook his head, “No…he wants us to stay down…why, though? He knows we aren’t going to give up…†Hiashi blinked, “…†Riku turned his head slightly and watched her, “What?†“’Stay down’…I think he’s trying to tell us something, Riku.†“Such as?†asked Riku, but Hiashi shook her head, “I don’t know. None of this is making any sense at all…†Riku watched Vincent carefully, as he hung in the air. “…he’s not attacking…only when we attack…or stand up?†Hiashi blinked, “…wait…this is about Lucreica, isn’t it?†Vincent twitched in the air, gritting his fanged teeth. “You went on about how you couldn’t save her, that it was your fault…were you ‘down’ when this happened?†Vincent started to growl again. He flew back a few feet, folding his arms. He was preparing another attack, as Hiashi started to stand again. “Vincent, nobody blames you for any of this, especially Lucrecia. How many times do we have to tell you this before it sinks in?!†Vincent charged, an aura of energy surrounding him. Before his blow would connect, Riku blocked in an intercept. “Okay, I think you’ve gotten him angry!†said Riku, a little disgruntled. “Keep it up!†said Hiashi, as she walked closer to the Vincent, who was still trying to charge through Riku’s block, “Pops, you know I’m the worst when it comes to blame. If I don’t think you did any of this, do you honestly think the doc would?†Vincent growled more, as Hiashi spoke, but what came next surprised everyone. Tears. Vincent, in all his growling and trying to charge forward, had tears running from his eyes. Hiashi reached and gently cupped her pops’ face, slowly managing a hug. “It’s okay,†she murmured softly, “…just let it go.†Vincent slowly closed his eyes, and just like that, began to change. His started shifting, melting, waving even, into something more familiar, almost gentle in comparison to his previous form. As Vincent slowly opened his eyes again, he was human once more. The demon weighing heavily on his soul, being lifted. But not for everyone. A loud yell, with fire erupting from the top seats of the Underdrome, redirected everyone’s attention. Hades, steamed as ever, stared down at the trio, breathing hard, with a satisfied looking Auron, watching just a few feet behind Hades. “YOU WERE SUPPOSE TO FIGHT THEM!†he yelled, a fury unmatched in the Underdrome. Vincent slowly stood up, “I did. And with the edge you gave me, I still lost,†He reached into his cloak, and pulled out the orb Hades threw at him, broken and in pieces, “so, I forfeit the rest of this match. There’s just no point in continuing this fight.†Auron walked forward, and cut Hades off, “You realize, of course, that because of your forfeit, you not only loose the right of Lucrecia walking out of the Underdrome, but you must stay down here, as well, not just to satisfy your debt with Hades, but to fulfill the bargain you made today.†Vincent nodded, “I understand, and acknowledge it.†Auron nodded back, “Very well, then. Please, exit the Underdrome, so the rest of the matches can continue.†Hiashi looked at Vincent, concerned, “Pops…†Vincent smiled slightly, “I’ve taught you everything you need to know, and you’ve passed all my tests with flying colors, Hiashi…including this one. You’ll be fine.†Vincent slowly walked towards the exit, where Auron was waiting. Riku gently placed his hand on Hiashi’s shoulder, “We have to keep moving. We’re almost there, and we’ll be done.†Hiash closed her eyes, nodded, and went with Riku. And just like that, it was practically over. A match with Cerberus, and a final match with Hades, that paled in comparison to what the two just went through, came and went. Until it was Riku and Hiashi, standing alone in the winner’s circle, in front of Hades, frustrated as ever. He tossed a caged, Sora figure at the two, and stormed off. “Just take the soul and go!†The two boarded the gummy ship and began plotting a course back for the Destiny Islands almost immediately, wondering what else was waiting for them, as they travelled back.
The road to recover may be long and hard, but I think I'll live.
...I slipped and fell on my butt because of it.
O_O;....uhhh.....oh crap.
You bozed?
I got thrown off because I crushed the competition. ... ... ... ... ...with a bowling ball...broke their chess pieces, scattered them everywhere. They were lookin' at meh funnily... >:
[Against the slowness and database errors] ... ... ... Arm yourselves.
She's about as flirty as MJ, I'll grant you that... This is a PEN! Naw. She's okay, but there's not much personality to her. Besides, she's not that cool in any of the comics. MJ's actually kicked supervillain butt before.
The problem is so many celebrities are so 'glammed' up, that none of them can look/sound like Spidey/Pete. The 'Percy Jackson' kid might be the only one qualified so far. My curiosity is, who'll play Mary Jane? I'm, personally, hoping for a natural redhead.
...Hi, der.
Bloody. Hell. YES! This is what I like to see; the heroes regain their confidence and spirit before the inevitable battle. I can almost hear the music...well done.¤t=PlantgirlcolorWIP.jpg&newest=1 I'm really starting to get annoyed by this project.
The new name of terror and fear...
Only way I can stay sane.
Guys, this thread is aimed directly at you. There's always been some kind of a border between guys and girls, particularly in one can't read the mind/interests/wants of the the other. So, we're looking at this in a 'reverse point-of-view' kind of way: I'd like the guys to say what they think a girl (in general) wants in a man. Girls, I'd like you to also point out if that isn't likely for girls to want 'this' or 'that', and also share a bit of what you find valuable in a guy. Please note, I'd like more mature responses than 'to get laid'.