Registration's free and easy. Let me know if you do.
lol, nor I. Nice selection. Do you have a deviantART account?
That's a lot of hobbies. I give you props for the Rock music and X-Men comics *bows in respect*. What kind of video games and art do you...
Head for the hills!
I'm 23. What're your hobbies?
lol, face front to the madness, true believer! So, how old are you?
Ceremony time! Let's party!
^This. Honestly, I don't know what Palin is doing, political or otherwise, anymore, if I ever did. All I see nowadays is her lashing out at anyone who 'would dare cross her or her family'. Gimme a break. I'm against Family Guy, in general, but even I know that was over the top. I'm starting to wonder whether or not her frequent outbursts are medically related, now that I heard said quote.
Problem is, sometimes entertainment can be viewed as insanity.
He kinda looks like a 'shoop da woop' gone horribly wrong. I on said list? ;_;
True, but I need a way to stay sane when the situation calls upon. Gotta have some way of making sure I can be relied on.
Enough! You apologize one more time, and I'm taking you hostage by way of leafblower and waffle/pancake, blueberry batter!
Gold and Silver made me kind of sad, after going to the Kanto region, and having both Viridian Forest demolished pratically, and I couldn't go inside the Seafoam Islands for pokemon. RS looked it was trying too hard, and had some interesting points, but it was doing the same (particularly the forms).
^This. *huggles in desparation* We wuv you, Kayleah! Don't split yourself into millions of pieces for dragons to invade and beat him at tetris! Seriously, don't feel so bad about this. The worst you've ever done on this thread is make several n00bs wet themselves. I was mildly annoyed by this, because I had the urine mop at the time, and had to clean it up. >_<
So so. Nothing outstanding happening, here.
There's something special about downloading the original, Japanese version. Thanks, guys.
Hello. How are you?
Bring me back a few kilts, 'kthnx XD.
Youtube knows all. Go ask it.