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  1. N
    I was at my cuz's high school graduation and this one guy sounded like
    DEMYX! I was so shocked, he sounded [/COLOR]EXACTLY like Demyx!
    Then this other guy talking sounded like Xigbar!
    Has this ever happened to you, too? Because it's really WEIRD!
    Thread by: N, Jun 18, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. N

    I was about to say that but I didn't want to hurt anyone.

    Yes, I'm against it as well. *sigh*

    I have a feeling this is going to be closed...
    Post by: N, Jun 18, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  3. N
    Then this thing won't get closed and a mod mad at you. :)
    Post by: N, Jun 18, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. N


    Now that picture was just nasty! XP
    Post by: N, Jun 18, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. N

    You're right. It's probably a little sheer. If it wasn't he'd run into DiZ and Sora a lot XD especially Mickey because he's so short!
    Post by: N, Jun 18, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. N
    No kidding. I feel sorry for the children because they're in a terrible situation *shivers*. What I found the worst were the rape videos. VERY DISTURBING. They need to lock them up for GOOD and let them rot in jail.
    Post by: N, Jun 18, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  7. N
    That photograph was freakin' weird.
    Looks around frantically
    How come you can only get those shadows on pics? LOL, I'm going to try that!
    Post by: N, Jun 18, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. N
    I'm an animal lover.

    My dog killed a little house finch and I cried as I buried it. *sobs*. She was so innocent and didn't have a chance!

    My grandma stepped on my pet fish with her shoe. Poor Ito.

    I try to help animals, like I helped a bird get out of wire, and I feed birds and I make sure my dog is all right and help horses and any animal!

    I'm the nature girl. :D
    Post by: N, Jun 18, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. N
    Same thing happened to me.

    Big black Tahoe with pimped out chrome grill and hubcaps, with the windows blacked out and all. I couldn't see in the car, but when the sunlight shone through the driver's side of the window, I saw a man.

    I was freaked out and now I can't stand looking at black SUVs with pimped out grills and hubcaps.
    Post by: N, Jun 18, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. N
    This is sickening...these innocent children are getting raped without any consent. And then people are taking pictures AND videos and posting them on the internet for other sickos to see.
    I feel sorry for these children. Rape is a terrible thing; it damages you more mentally than physically, and you just cringe when you think about it...and that you've never been assualted in your life.
    I hope I won't, EVER.
    Post by: N, Jun 18, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  11. N
    I'm okay with it as long as I don't get involved in it myself.
    Post by: N, Jun 18, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  12. N
    I hate spiders.

    And tall buildings, mountain cliffs, mountains, and the Grand Canyon, and hotels that are like twenty stories and they make you stay on the fifteenth story!!! I'm okay with airplanes because I'm flying but I hate looking down from a building, I start feeling dizzy and I have panic attacks and I cry and I can't breathe well.

    And it's surprising but I don't mind the tallness of a horse...but I'm not sure about a camel.

    I used to be afraid of the wind (lol, weird fear) and thunder and lightning, but that was when I was five, now I'm twelve and I've come to terms with the forces of weather.

    But I don't like the dark.

    It scares me because I can't judge my surroundings as well, and I feel defenseless in the dark.
    Post by: N, Jun 18, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  13. N
    Chapter XV:

    Axel rolled his shoulders and looked at himself in the mirror. He was actually a bit fair, which made the redness of his cheek where Saix had hit him stand out more. Axel leaned over the sink and turned on the tap, taking off his gloves and throwing water onto his face. He gasped as the freezing water touched his stinging face. Resting his palms against the countertop, he let it all sink in.
    "Axel? Are you in here?"
    Axel looked up and blinking, he saw Saix standing in the doorway. "Yeah?" he asked. He hadn't realized how calm he was until he spoke. Saix cleared his throat. "I came to apologize. I didn't mean to hit you like that back there...but I had had enough of your whining."
    "It was okay, I think it shook some sense into me." Axel said, wiping his face on a towel and pulling his gloves back on.
    Saix nodded and rolled his shoulders, crossing his arms and looking down so that the two tresses of blue hair fell forward onto his face, concealing his expression.
    "We found where Roxas could possibly be."
    "Wha...WHAT? You did?" Axel gasped.
    "Yes, he's in this artifically created Twilight Town. Xemnas has already sent some Nobodies to sniff Roxas...and DiZ out."
    "Saix, I love you!" Axel threw his arms around his neck. "Axel!" Saix gasped, staggering backwards.
    "Sorry, I'm just so happy! At least I know where my little bud is! Can I go and see him again."
    "If you want to," Saix said, looking at him front up under his eyelashes.
    "YES! YES!"
    "All right, you may. But ask of Xemnas's permission first, because he is your elder and superior."
    "Who cares? I'M GONNA FIND ROXAS!" Jumping up in the air and pumping his fist, he jogged down the hallways chanting, "I'M GONNA FIND ROXAS!".
    Saix stood in the bathroom doorway and shook his head, smiling slightly,
    Friendship is the strongest bond...

    To be continued...
    Post by: N, Jun 17, 2007 in forum: Archives
  14. N

    Oh dear!

    Most people do come up with wacky "something is going to happen to such-and-such" because they most likely hate whatever is associated with it.

    I'm pretty sure the internet is going to crash at some point...when is unknown, but it feels soon because of all this havoc on the internet, like cyber-stalkers, porno sites and hackers and virus and that whole lot of them.
    Post by: N, Jun 17, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  15. N
    I would have to say Sora is short compared to Axel, who is probably about 5'10 - 6'0 feet tall, and Ansem is about 6'0 - 6'10.

    And next to Saix he looked kind of short, too, so Saix must at least be 5'7 - 5'9. And Xemnas is pretty tall, too.
    Post by: N, Jun 17, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  16. N


    Oh, I wasn't sure.
    Post by: N, Jun 17, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. N
    Me too. I can stand the noise but when everything gets really weird like the power goes out I start running around screaming and crying and hiding under the pillows and in the garage with my dog.... :) LOL, I'm so scarrryy!
    Post by: N, Jun 17, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. N
    It kind of looks like a car crash to me in a fog.

    Seriously...I just don't understand it....
    Post by: N, Jun 17, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  19. N
    Post by: N, Jun 17, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. N
    I had this reaction..................................................................................................


    Yeah, that was my reaction. ;p
    Post by: N, Jun 17, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX