He's right.
Larxene: "I keep it up by holding it by the roots with bobby pins and then standing it up with gel and hair spray. :3 Axel's hair probably is naturally spiky, but lol...what about Cloud?
That Was Friggin Random Hilarious!!!!
You scared me with this: >XB
I'm going to take a few days off from KH-Vids. I think I'll be back by Saturday. My story will have to be post-poned for a while but don't worry, I'll be back soon. :) I'm going to spend more time with my family and my pets, but I WILL be back. With love, SilentNocturne.
I won't make you change your views. :)
I am an animal lover...and I am defensive of the things/people I love. I didn't mean to go off...
Animals cannot be gay. I don't see any stallions trying to have babies. If you want my opinion, the people who documented this are sickos because animals can't become gay. If they are they are forced to look 'gay', or it's just that people are wanting animals to become gay because of their sick fantasies. Animals can never become gay, and you cannot change my mind no matter how many times you put a homosexuality in animals article in my face. I for one, do not believe that people should do this either. To many dieseases are transmitted between people a lot of times because people do not tell someone that they've been going with another man and this risks other peoples lives with HIV/AIDS, which is totally unappropriate as well. I can understand that there are people who are homosexual, but please, do not rub it in our faces for once. You can do whatever you like as long as you don't harrass others with your ideas. Animals will never be gay. That is NOT their nature. For all you people who believe that his possible then I suggest you try and see what happens when you put two male birds or dogs together. They do not have sex with each other like PEOPLE want them to do. This is annoying. I'm sorry but I might have to ask for this to be locked.
But he's SCARINGme with all this areyouready?stuff.
Gay animals? Where did you see this? >_>
Thanks, I'm just a really nice person, and I don't like hurting people's feelings.:( I am religious myself and I do not think that this is appropriate. At all. But it gay people want to get married...leave me out of it!
I wish I did too. But it was hot and I forgot my video camera.
Shadow...you are scaring me! Now be good and tell us!
Dude, what's the point in this????
see? That Is The Mindfreak Question!!!
I think this is the MINDFREAK!!!! question, isn't it? You keep asking people are they ready and never get to the question, isn't it? Here, I'll try: I AM READDDDDDDDDDYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!