Hooray for me! 300+!!!! :woohoo:
:sleepy: woke up one morning :glomp: glomped my dog who hugged me :locked2: and locked myself out but still got in This never happened but I just had this idea since we have new smilies. Try it.
300 posts accomplishment! ;D
Well, I have to say Xemnas cause he kicks :censor2: and he stabs people with sabers. :p
Oh, okay. :satisfied:
I couldn't get to them. I clicked on the link but I couldn't find the server. Did anyone else have this problem?
I knew they wouldn't bring Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix+ to America because they weren't saying anything. But, I'm not crying over it, but I feel kind of bad for the people who were really hoping that it would.
Sorry, darling, but I'm already................................................................................. TAKEN! And it's no one on KH-Vids, he's my secret boyfriend >:3
I WANT TO HEAR ABOUT THE FALLEN ANGEL, PLEASE! Okay, I just got on the internet and read this story: One day this guy was walking in the woods with his friend, and his friend fell on the ground like he had weights on him. Then, the man (the one who wrote this story), said he saw a dark black figure in the woods. It was about seven feet tall, and it was dressed in black. It had two enormous wings, one was bones and the others was rotting flesh and molting black feathers. Then he spoke to the man and pointed his finger, then disappeared. (what he said was REALLY scary!!!!!!) I'm not sure if that's kind of the same story as your fallen angel.
Well, I was crying an hour ago and I'm at my grandmother's house because I don't think I could handle my dad...he's so critical. My mom and grandma are alright, and my dog, and my birds, but my dad is very critical and my grandpa is in Lousiania so he can't critcize me... I used to feel the same way, but people used to call me ugly and stupid and weird and stuff like that because I wasn't like them. (i.e, I was very quiet, I minded my own business and kept mostly to myself, I wasn't interested in Digimon, I was more mature, I got a lot more attention, and I was very creative). I guess we have a lot more in common, that's why my mom and grandma pulled me out of school...and I really like home-school a lot better than public/private school!
I hope you feel better! Your mouth will be sore afterwards but I think it'll be better after a while. I'll pray for you! :)
Where did you see this?
I'm having a really hard time dealing with my parents. Today me and my mom can't get by each other without bickering and me getting upset. I feel that nobody loves me and that everyone never listens to me because everytime I talk, people act like they don't hear me. And I'm also frustrated because everybody looks at me weird when I go to parties and I answer those questions. They ask those questions about "What do you want to be?" and when I tell them I want to be around horses and show they stare at me as if I'm an alien and tell me, "Don't you want to be a model instead?", and I always say no. It's really irritating because people think that I'd never stand around some 'stinky' horses and ride in a saddle, they act like I'm supposed to be dripping with diamonds instead of jeans and tee shirts. I don't know what to do...I want to cry it's so frustrating. It's the odd life of a beautiful, misunderstood person...
Where can you hear them other than on KHII games? :huh:
I think it was my Nintendo 64 (don't laugh at me) when I was five at hand Mickey Mouse racing. It was such a cute game, but not my 64 won't work anymore...I think. WHAT really got me into gaming was FF, but I was only eight and I was having a hard time with FFX! :P
They rock. MORE VARIETY! :D :star-wars-smiley-02 WOOHOO! :woohoo:
Good guess! Never would have thought about that.:starwars:
It just didn't look like Disney Castle...or Hollow Bastion. Possibly the Organization's stronghold??
I was re-playing KH yesterday and in the Deep Jungle when Jane plays the slides, what IS that castle that Sora recognizes but doesn't know what it is?? It really confuses me because I'm not sure if it's Twilight Town (but it couldn't be) or Hollow Bastion. Could someone PLEASE tell me?
You're quite welcome, RoxasNoxas. :D