Are there any games based on true stories? But, if it was a true story I think a lot of people would be heartless and nobodies and we would have to hide 99.9% percent of the time. And I pretty much like the way life is going on. ;D
You know what I wondered just now? Why did they call it "Final Mix"?
Saddle Lake? I've never heard of that. I just added the current horse books going on, but other horse books are welcome. :)
Don't worry, ILoveOrganizationXIII, it's just a nasty comment. Brush it off and dump it in the trash where it belongs.
Well, she has a right to feel upset if no one likes her. I mean, I was terribly depressed when I was in school because I never got any positive comments about me and it really hurts when you want a friend but everyone rejects you. And if you looked at me you would have thought that I was happy but I wasn't. So, just give her a break and let out her feelings because she will feel lots better. To ILoveOrganizationXIII You're WELCOME. *Hugz*
It's okay. I don't know if this would help you but I am slim and pretty and people still hated me in school and I don't really have any friends except my family and my pets and the horses, so you're not alone.
She's not dead in real life. Only on the video game. Sad, I hate dying on video games against other people! :(
Mish died? You mean Mish?For real? Poor Mish!!!!!!!
Umm...shouldn't this be in the KHII FM+ section? Oh, and anyways, KHII FM+ is not coming to America, sadly. A thread has been posted confirming this.
Yeah. It sounds like he killed his wife and son out of anger. Most likely. I don't watch wrestling so I'm not sure.
You looked Asian with long hair And white with short hair. I prefer: The long hair look! It's cool. Short hair? Only if your face looks fine with it.
You look Different. WOW. CHANGES ARE AMAZING.
It was about another member? Oh, okay. This is going to get closed anyways, and I didn't understand what he was saying anyways... Took the words right of my mouth. :x this even appropriate? P.S. - we call the red-head Axel :)
Well, it depends on what the person ate. Now, if everybody ate a LAXATIVE at the same time, your question may come true. Lol, the world would stink from poop. XP
For how much? $10 and higher? XD Unicorns are very beautiful when they look like horses. If you don't think so, then you must be a dog lover, woof woof. XD
Okay! :D Anime: Bleach, 10/10, only because Renji was in it. :p Movie: Rush Hour 2, 10/10, it was SOOOOO funny! :roll:
The title says it all. Vote on the poll and then explain why if you want to! I personally like Heartland by Lauren Brooke, it was really cool, and Unicorns of Balinor because unicorns ROCK! So, what's your fav?
What happened? Did he kill his family or did someone else? Well, I don't like wrestling so I don't know who he is but I feel sorry for him. RIP.
My random fact... If you can SPELL and TYPE correctly on the computer, you're ANTI-TEXT TALK. I'm being sarcastic, lol.