I never understood FFX. I never even finished it.
Yeah, it hurts when you want something really bad but you don't get it. YOU'VE BEEN ON EBAY!
LOL. Now I want some OREOS!!!!!!
when you heard KHII FM+ wasn't coming to America? I wasn't at all that surprised. I knew they weren't probably going to bring it here, since they didn't bring KHI FM+ to America (or Europe in the case of you Europeans). But, I know some people were really hoping it would come. (There was a thread on this is you were wondering). So, how did you feel when you heard it wasn't coming?
It is rare for a horse to have twin foals (babies).
Do I remind you of an owl??? I think.... total darkness and I can't see my hands.
While you're sitting at your computer people are getting involved in car crashes every minute.
Someone who has 44 death sights.
Why doesn't the US help North Korea? Those people are starving to death! Help them, I mean, they're totally ignoring them and helping the Africans like North Korea doesn't exist. Or, just help them both!
I would if my cuz won't try and poke my PS2 (because I have the slim version). I could get on the internet it's just that the other wireless connections are SLOW and they don't half work, unless you point it in a certain direction.
I hate board games. My only entertainment is my dog and it's get hot in the afternoons here in SoCal, and my birds, I can only talk to them. Maybe I'll just sit on the couch and think...but I keep forgetting my iPod.
I don't have wireless anymore at my grandma's house! So now when I go over (because my mom and dad work during the day) I CAN'T GET ON THE FRIGGEN INTERNET!! :( OMG, I don't know how I'm going to live......I can't STAND DIAL-UP. Ugh, no internet means no YouTube, or KH-VIDS, or surfing the web aimlessly.....
He's a cricket. They're IMMORTAL. Have you ever tried to kill a cricket and it never dies? Then Jiminy never dies no matter how many times he gets smushed by Sora's feet...
Marluxia: You know, I just kicked Batman's ***. Sora: WTF -? "Gets cursed."
That......left me speechless.
They grow in your garden under the lavender bush. :p
Maybe it's blunt and sharp at the same time. But, like Roxllen said, it's magical so it has the ability to slice through buildings without being really sharp.
Me and my grandma and mother were planning on going to London on vacation! *sobs*, I'm glad we didn't go.
I loved them too! But, I just wish they hadn't taken them off the bookstore shelves. *sobs*. What do you think about Chestnut Hill? It's okay but I find it a little catty, and it doesn't even sound like what Lauren Brooke would have written. She probably would have wrote another series a lot like Heartland if she had the choice. Do you think that Chestnut Hill doesn't sound like Lauren Brooke?
Well, it's a decision. If you have sex without a condomn what do you expect? So, if they don't want to have a baby then don't have sex, or wear a condomn.